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Atheist bloggers targeted and murdered.

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Secular/atheist voices are being silenced with the use of machetes.




"The concern that many of us have is that while you cannot hurt religious sentiment, you can hurt secular sentiment as much as you want."


Thought, opinion, discussion, sentiment and most of all...reason. Reason, that blasphemous word alone is the enemy of 'faith', and in certain circles it's a death sentence.


So, if you're an atheist or even skeptical, keep it under your bonnet.

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If you live in Bangladesh.
sadly the mentality of those who cheerfully murder those they percieve to have insulted their religion does not respect borders. As we saw with the charlie hebdo murders, cartoons murders / attempted murders in various countries, salman rushdie etc etc.
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Avijit Roy was living in America, he was only visiting Bangladesh.


Many of the bloggers have left their own country out of fear, living secret lives...primarily because their governments either turn a blind eye, or are complicit.


'We will respect you if you don't question our faith, if you do question we will murder you'. great schooling.:roll:

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If you live in many of, if not most Muslim countries with a majority Muslim population it would seem.




So you can come up with a list of mainly Muslim countries, where atheist bloggers have been killed? And not just a list, but a list that includes most such countries?

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