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Drudge just tweeted "America has been arming ISIS"

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Erm...who is DRUDGE? If it came from Obama I'd be interested, but not from someone I haven't a clue who he/she is...And yes we are all 'arming' ISIS in a way as we all buy oil some of which has almost certainly come from ISIS controlled fields.


Although it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out America or the EU have been directly arming ISIS. Arms companies don't make any money in peace time and as most MPs and senators are large shareholders in these companies...

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Who's Matt Drudge?

He has 1 tweet, thats it. Whats going on here????


Matt Drudge is a respected political commentator and investagative journalist.


America arming ISIS may be old news to some, but it is amazing how many people don't realise it. It's about time this went mainstream.

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