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Drudge just tweeted "America has been arming ISIS"

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Yeah it's pointless to know that all those terrorists that murdered 130 Parisians the other day were being armed by the Americans, our allies who have been supposedly leading the charge against terror. That's just a detail, right? it's not really relevant to anything, yes?.


It would be of interest if that were the case. But all you posted was a tweet. There is nothing about this on the guys own website two days later, which is pretty odd if he has proof of it.

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You havent provided any evidence, just a link to a cryptic twwet.


When you start a thread and you are making a claim then you are meant to be the one who provides the evidence to support it. Its a claim only until its clear what hes going on about and what he means.


You say its no longer open to debate, except you never started a conversation, just linked an empty tweet.


If he has documentary evidence showing presidential orders of substantial weapon shipments to Mr ISIS, then yes it would a a surprise. If its a claim that they supplied the wrong group due to incompetence, then less surprising. In supplying weapons to the more moderate elements they want to support, then I wouldnt be surprised if they made a few mistakes or some groups shifted sides.


Id be more interested to see wilful supply of weapons direct to ISIS.

Pointless thread without further details.


I can't believe you just said you are glad all those people were killed in Paris by American supplied terrorists.


You meanie;););););)

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You haven't provided any evidence, just a link to a cryptic tweet.


If he has documentary evidence showing presidential orders of substantial weapon shipments to Mr ISIS,


The tangible documented evidence is so overwhelming that even Matt Drudge had to say something to retain just a smidgen of credibility. The body of evidence is in fact so vast that I can be all smug about not having to provide any at all in this thread. If anybody does any kind of research it is actually difficult not to find it.

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Yeah it's pointless to know that all those terrorists that murdered 130 Parisians the other day were being armed by the Americans, our allies who have been supposedly leading the charge against terror. That's just a detail, right? it's not really relevant to anything, yes?.


Instead of having a go at someone else over "detail",why don't you complete your thread with the missing details?.

Is this Putins response from the other day? "lets hire more fake internet stooges!" lol.

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The tangible documented evidence is so overwhelming that even Matt Drudge had to say something to retain just a smidgen of credibility. The body of evidence is in fact so vast that I can be all smug about not having to provide any at all in this thread. If anybody does any kind of research it is actually difficult not to find it.


What "The tangible documented evidence",if its that easy to find,pop a link up.

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The tangible documented evidence is so overwhelming that even Matt Drudge had to say something to retain just a smidgen of credibility. The body of evidence is in fact so vast that I can be all smug about not having to provide any at all in this thread. If anybody does any kind of research it is actually difficult not to find it.


Its like im going to make a claim but its a secret. Without detail and supporting evidence to some credible news sources, then I think ill wait. You started the thread of you want discussion then you have to give people soemthing to discuss about not just an empty tweet.

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Oh that's disappointing, I was hoping for some pictures of ISIS fighters using American equipment or something.


This is the most pointless thread since the thing with the dead wasps (sorry alchoblog;);););))



Don't presume I don't read this kinda thread … :suspect::)

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