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Drudge just tweeted "America has been arming ISIS"

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Did IS capture loads of US supplied weapons when the Iraqi army fled? Yes

Have IS captured US supplied kit from the FSA and other US backed group? Yes

Have some people from US supported groups defected to IS with weapons? Yes


Does any of the above equal US is arming daesh? No.

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Ben Swann provides a nice summary,




The American defence intelligence agency said in 2012 that...


"There is the possibillity of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria and this is precisely what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime”




The DIA report makes the following summary points concerning ISIS:


  • Al-Qaeda drives the opposition in Syria
  • The West identifies with the opposition
  • The establishment of a nascent Islamic State became a reality only with the rise of the Syrian insurgency
  • The establishment of a “Salafist Principality” in Eastern Syria is “exactly” what the external powers supporting the opposition want (identified as “the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey”)












Some more background....











































Some more background...








Some satire...




Hope this helps.



Edited by rinzwind
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As soon as I saw Infowars and Prisonplanet then any credibility sank to below zero :cool:


Fair enough. I was just linking to the photo's. I have removed those links since their authenticity is in question. The same photo's can be found elsewhere. Radio host Angel Clark claims to have first posted the pictures on social networking websites and says they are genuine. Mainstream media claims a bunch of Syrian hackers dressed up in US military uniforms complete with medals and hacked in to marines.com and left the pictures there. I don't have any proof either way.

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I was just linking to the photo's. I have removed those links since their authenticity is in question.


Do any of those links contain any evidence that the US has armed daesh? The ones I looked at either had nothing to do with the issue or involved the potential for US arms to rebels falling into IS hands which is not in dispute.

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Do any of those links contain any evidence that the US has armed daesh? The ones I looked at either had nothing to do with the issue or involved the potential for US arms to rebels falling into IS hands which is not in dispute.


You seem to be suggesting the USA has armed ISIS by accident. What would you like as evidence? A declassified receipt given to the USA by ISIS saying "Thank you for all the guns"? No there is nothing like that. You have to actually put it all together by yourself. Maybe you could ask Serena Shim.


I'm just suggesting this is the type of evidence Matt Drudge could be basing his opinions on.


Which links did you feel had nothing to do with the issue?


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 20:02 ----------


Certainly not in the British sense.


"Drudge is a menace to honest, responsible journalism... And to the extent that he's read and people believe what they read, he's dangerous."

Michael Isikoff of Newsweek


Sour grapes perhaps?


Isikoff had been prepared to break the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but several hours before going to print, the article was killed by top Newsweek executives. As a result, the story broke first on Matt Drudge's Drudge Report the following morning.



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What would you like as evidence? A declassified receipt given to the USA by ISIS saying "Thank you for all the guns"? No there is nothing like that. You have to actually put it all together by yourself. Maybe you could ask Serena Shim.


I'm just suggesting this is the kind of evidence Matt Drudge could be basing his opinions on. Which ones had nothing to do with the issue?


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 20:02 ----------



Sour grapes perhaps?






I'd like evidence, like actual proof. Not conspiracy theorist wibble. Do you have any or not?

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