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Who's going to take over from David Cameron?

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There are Blairites who felt that Brown did just that, although currently they are too busy being angry about Jeremy Corbyn.


I'd have thought that,if anything,Blair stabbed Brown by handing him a poisoned chalice..Blair left of his own accord didn't he?

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It heads off all challenges.


not necessarily, if Cameron performs as he his doing now then he will probably be ok for a couple of years. Assuming he is going to step down before the election then as we get closer to it he will come under increasing pressure to step down to give his replacement chance to establish themselves.


He could choose to wait until after the election and then resign in the first few months but that's likely to worry floating voters since they won't know who they are actually voting for. I doubt those who would vote for the proverbial blue rosette festooned donkey will care much who is in charge but other prospective voters will.


of course, there are plenty of things which could derail things a key one is the eu referendum. this is going to tear the conservative party apart. it doesn't particularly matter side wins, if Cameron mismanages the split and bringing people back together again he's toast within 6 months.

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But great PR by Cameron. He announces the date he intends stepping down 5 years in advance. It heads off all challenges. Corbyn on the other hand will be under pressure to stand down every day he is in the job.


Why is that relevant. Well because when Thatchers and Blair stood down their heir got the flack for stabbing the leader in the back. Whop ever takes over from Cameron can do so with a handshake. Who ever takes over Labour will be damaged goods.


I'd like to see Boris get the job. He has the ability to talk to everyone. Georgie Boy is favourite but won't find favour in these parts. But I'm thinking 5 years is a long time in politics. Lots of time for a new face to make a name for the job that is looking like a shoe-in for the next Prime Minister.


Apart from people in Liverpool: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/hillsborough-boris-johnson-apologises-slurs-3334849


Black people: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/i-didnt-mean-to-be-racist-claims-boris-6648542.html


people on low incomes: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8148899.stm


I know that he's not the favourite of many teachers, but Michael Gove is a possibility. As long as it's not the repugnant Sajid Javid, or Iain Duncan Smith :gag:

Edited by Mister M
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What happens with the Labour leadership succession is pretty much irrelevant. Whoever replaces Corbyn has almost no chance of leading Labour to victory in 2020. The defeat in May was too severe.


I thought it might be May a couple of years ago. But not now - she's fallen away badly. Johnson has never really convinced me as a Tory leader. He's nothing in parliament. It will be Osborne.

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Boris Johnson is by far the best man for the job, he turned London round from the disaster left by red Ken, he has charisma and is extremely intelligent and business savvy even though he acts the fool sometimes, osbourne is wet and May cant seem to make a decision always sitting on the fence to some extent. Boris definitely will win the public vote.

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Boris Johnson is by far the best man for the job, he turned London round from the disaster left by red Ken, he has charisma and is extremely intelligent and business savvy even though he acts the fool sometimes, osbourne is wet and May cant seem to make a decision always sitting on the fence to some extent. Boris definitely will win the public vote.


He turned London around? You might want to ask some Londoners how they feel about that...

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