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Who's going to take over from David Cameron?

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I spend a lot of time in London, Boris is very popular.


We obviously have different circles. Most Londoners I know think he's a very friendly pillock. The Boris cable car didn't go down well in the slightest. I think he's done some good things, the Boris bikes are a great idea and full credit to him for that.


That said, out of the 3 on the list he'd be top of my list...only as the least worst.

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really?/ which ones would they be then? my family are from Putney originally and i have a few relatives there still and they seem pretty happy with Boris;)


Your mileage may vary :) I can give countless anecdotes of Londoners I know who think the opposite. A lot is going to depend on your political stance clearly.

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What happens with the Labour leadership succession is pretty much irrelevant. Whoever replaces Corbyn has almost no chance of leading Labour to victory in 2020. The defeat in May was too severe.


I thought it might be May a couple of years ago. But not now - she's fallen away badly. Johnson has never really convinced me as a Tory leader. He's nothing in parliament. It will be Osborne.


It is therefore very relevant. The Tories need someone capable of running a country not fighting an election. Whoever it is will still have an election to win, but if the opposition is Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Clarkson could do the job.

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Yes he did. He is extremely popular in London and has stood up for it many times, unlike Red Ken who only stood up for himself.


I shall repeat my answer to dubaidani:


Your mileage may vary :D I can give countless anecdotes of Londoners I know who think the opposite. A lot is going to depend on your political stance clearly.

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I shall repeat my answer to dubaidani:


Your mileage may vary :D I can give countless anecdotes of Londoners I know who think the opposite. A lot is going to depend on your political stance clearly.


The difference between Boris and Ken is that Ken was in charge during the times of plenty when a Blair government was squandering cash as if there were no tomorrow. It would be interesting to see how Londoners viewed Red Ken if he were having to run the city on an austerity budget.

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The difference between Boris and Ken is that Ken was in charge during the times of plenty when a Blair government was squandering cash as if there were no tomorrow. It would be interesting to see how Londoners viewed Red Ken if he were having to run the city on an austerity budget.



Yeah possibly. If it helps most of them weren't keen on Red Ken either so perhaps they are just hard to please?!?!

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The obvious replacement is Osborne. He has done a very creditable job, I am particularly impressed by the way he reversed his decision on tax credits.


I know its not fashionable for politicians to change their minds but to his credit he has listened to voices on his own back benches and made a sensible change.


With 32million working, the fastest growing economy in the developed world and the deficit coming under control he is clearly the leading contender for the PMs job.


The question is who replaces George?

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