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Prejudice linked to Low IQ and Conservatism

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Given the many attempts to derail this thread I think it is worth quoting from the research cited by the OP which argues that prejudice is linked to low IQ and Conservatism:


"There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb...The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults...Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies...Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice".


Fi real, innit tho'?

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Now, now. That's not really fair.

They tax the rich, the middle, and the working poor in order to create a dependent class and then hope they won't realise that they're being bribed with their own money.

It probably takes a special kind of machiavellian intellect to get away with that.


Sorry, you're right - I meant "rich" in the left wing sense of the word, i.e. anyone daring to earn an average salary or above (but excluding themselves).

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Sorry, you're right - I meant "rich" in the left wing sense of the word, i.e. anyone daring to earn an average salary or above (but excluding themselves).


Ah right. That "rich". Anybody who supports themselves and their family through work. They must surely be punished.

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Yeah, that's totally the prevailing ideology amongst left wing people and not just nonsense that only exists in your head. :rolleyes:


It's not the left wing followers, it's the leaders. The left wing followers just haven't realised that this is what their leaders are up to.

Do you have a better explanation for setting the tax allowance at well under the income necessary to support oneself and then having to claim benefits to survive?


The personal tax allowance in 2009 was under £6500. That means anybody working full time on minimum wage was paying a thousand or more in income tax and NI. Not to mention all the other taxes which are always ultimately paid by the consumer. Most of those people were also entitled to all manner of benefits. This is nothing more than taking peoples money, scribbling on it "government money, vote for us or you won't get it any more", making them fill in a few forms, and then giving it back like you're doing them a favour. What is that if not bribing people with their own money?


Now the minimum wage will be enough to live on, the income tax threshold will pull minimum wage earners out of income tax completely and I fully expect NI and universal credit to follow. Should all have been done 15 years ago. Obviously the right thing to do and no wisdom in objecting to it.


How can you possibly make a case that the former situation was better for the working poor than the latter? It's ridiculous.

Edited by unbeliever
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It's not the left wing followers, it's the leaders. The left wing followers just haven't realised that this is what their leaders are up to.

Do you have a better explanation for setting the tax allowance at well under the income necessary to support oneself and then having to claim benefits to survive?


The personal tax allowance in 2009 was under £6500. That means anybody working full time on minimum wage was paying a thousand or more in income tax and NI. Not to mention all the other taxes which are always ultimately paid by the consumer. Most of those people were also entitled to all manner of benefits. This is nothing more than taking peoples money, scribbling on it "government money, vote for us or you won't get it any more", making them fill in a few forms, and then giving it back like you're doing them a favour. What is that if not bribing people with their own money?


Now the minimum wage will be enough to live on, the income tax threshold will pull minimum wage earners out of income tax completely and I fully expect NI and universal credit to follow. Should all have been done 15 years ago. Obviously the right thing to do and no wisdom in objecting to it.


How can you possibly make a case that the former situation was better for the working poor than the latter? It's ridiculous.


Excellent analysis

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