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Prejudice linked to Low IQ and Conservatism

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This thread is nothing more than trolling!


The OP has dredged up a 3 year old article to start an argument with somebody. And it worked.


That would depend if the article/study is as applicable today as it was yesterday. My money is on it is, if not more so. You're right though, it did attract a grammar troll as a means to deflect.

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IT seems to me that a lot of the Labour supporters on here are preening themselves in delight at the purported link.


It says a lot about them as the Nasty Party for sure.


It says even more about their critical thinking powers.


No more than if the boot was on the other foot and a study revealed that those who supported social democracy were more likely to have low IQ and be prejudiced.


Do you challenge the oft quoted mantra on here by Conservative posters about Labour voters supporting a donkey with a red rosette on?

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