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Prejudice linked to Low IQ and Conservatism

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This thread is the same old poppy-**** we have seen time and time again. Labour Fanboys comb the internet desperately looking for proof they are better then everyone else. When they find a smidgin of evidence to back up their opinion they post it here and crow about it. Then other like minded members charge in and start back slapping one another.


I've said it before, debating with most of these people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It will knock the pieces over, craps on the board then flies back to its flock to claim victory.


There is something really wrong with the left at the moment as they are hell bent on slinging mud rather then come out with alternative ideas. Its a sad state of affairs as I for one would prefer to see a strong opposition rather then the shower we have now.

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This thread is the same old poppy-**** we have seen time and time again. Labour Fanboys comb the internet desperately looking for proof they are better then everyone else. When they find a smidgin of evidence to back up their opinion they post it here and crow about it. Then other like minded members charge in and start back slapping one another.


I've said it before, debating with most of these people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It will knock the pieces over, craps on the board then flies back to its flock to claim victory.


There is something really wrong with the left at the moment as they are hell bent on slinging mud rather then come out with alternative ideas. Its a sad state of affairs as I for one would prefer to see a strong opposition rather then the shower we have now.


I'm not a Labour Party supporter anymore, however the one thing you can't accuse the Labour front bench of is not coming out with alternate ideas. You may not agree with them, but they are in contrast to the Government's policies.

I don't think the OP is a Labour fan boy, so that charge is unfair. But had the boot been on the other foot and a study had emerged about links between Labour voters and some character flaw, or whatever, then don't think for one minute that forum Conservatives wouldn't be on here gloating (as they did with their victory in the election). Just look at the threads on the many recent misfortunes of the Labour Party as evidence!

Edited by Mister M
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What does make me wonder about the left's policy on immigration is this.


They are doing the work of multi-national capitalism.


The left want immigration for whatever reasons. Let's say they are noble.


Their supposed enemies, the globalist capitalists, want immigration as well but for more mundane motives, namely money.


Mass immigration depresses wages and working conditions for those at the bottom of the pile. A surplus of workers means that employers can keep wages low.


The addition of millions more people into a country also means that consumption of goods goes up.


In both cases, big business wins.


Can't the left see that they are aiding and abetting big business? Or do they see but they don't care?

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What does make me wonder about the left's policy on immigration is this.


They are doing the work of multi-national capitalism.


The left want immigration for whatever reasons. Let's say they are noble.


Their supposed enemies, the globalist capitalists, want immigration as well but for more mundane motives, namely money.


Mass immigration depresses wages and working conditions for those at the bottom of the pile. A surplus of workers means that employers can keep wages low.


The addition of millions more people into a country also means that consumption of goods goes up.


In both cases, big business wins.


Can't the left see that they are aiding and abetting big business? Or do they see but they don't care?


This is funny. I suggest you come along to a Labour Party meeting as an observer and see the many views on immigration. Politics, particularly around immigration, is not as black and white as people would like to think.

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This is funny. I suggest you come along to a Labour Party meeting as an observer and see the many views on immigration. Politics, particularly around immigration, is not as black and white as people would like to think.


Max, why not give us a clue rather then make a claim and then fail to substantiate it.


What is the grass roots Labour memberships views on immigration?

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This thread is the same old poppy-**** we have seen time and time again. Labour Fanboys comb the internet desperately looking for proof they are better then everyone else. When they find a smidgin of evidence to back up their opinion they post it here and crow about it. Then other like minded members charge in and start back slapping one another.


I've said it before, debating with most of these people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It will knock the pieces over, craps on the board then flies back to its flock to claim victory.


There is something really wrong with the left at the moment as they are hell bent on slinging mud rather then come out with alternative ideas. Its a sad state of affairs as I for one would prefer to see a strong opposition rather then the shower we have now.


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3jVaHV2lo_8/hqdefault.jpg ;)


---------- Post added 29-11-2015 at 10:11 ----------


What does make me wonder about the left's policy on immigration is this.


They are doing the work of multi-national capitalism.


The left want immigration for whatever reasons. Let's say they are noble.


Their supposed enemies, the globalist capitalists, want immigration as well but for more mundane motives, namely money.


Mass immigration depresses wages and working conditions for those at the bottom of the pile. A surplus of workers means that employers can keep wages low.


The addition of millions more people into a country also means that consumption of goods goes up.


In both cases, big business wins.


Can't the left see that they are aiding and abetting big business? Or do they see but they don't care?


Trueist thing I've read on here.


This is funny. I suggest you come along to a Labour Party meeting as an observer and see the many views on immigration. Politics, particularly around immigration, is not as black and white as people would like to think.


The are varied views on immigration within the grass roots Labour party, but as far the leadership goes, its just blindly pro immigration no matter what.

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