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Prejudice linked to Low IQ and Conservatism

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Reminds me of that famous John Stuart Mill quotation:


Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.


And the standard retort is...'how can they be divs? they earn lotsa money'.

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And yet the report still doesn't say what all these self proclaimed clever people keep claiming it says. It's as if they aren't clever enough to realise that they aren't as clever as they would like to be. ;):hihi:


Indeed, some people are simply horrible, but is it not worth asking the question: Why are the Conservatives known as "the nasty party?" a term coined by the Home Secretary, herself, about the party to which she belongs. The party that apparently was willing to tolerate Mark Clarke's appalling behavour.


So why are the Conservatives known as "the nasty party?" a term coined by the Home Secretary, herself, about the party to which she belongs?

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I don't get the point of the thread or the original report it links to. Even if it is true that the less intelligent are more likely to be racist... so what?


Will telling a racist they are probably racist because they are stupid stop them being racist? Even if it did stop them being racist would it stop them being stupid?


What is the point of this discussion? Are we proposing weighting the value of opinion based on intelligence? Perhaps one vote for those with an IQ of 90-110, half a vote for those below an IQ of 90 and one and a half votes for those above an IQ of 110? Would this work in favour of Conservatism or against it? :suspect:


I actually think that racism is influenced far more by culture than intelligence. Here is another take on it... look at this survey. Are the non-Conservative here implying that people from the most racist countries are that way because they lack intelligence? Forgive me but doesn't that seem... well... racist? Is it not more likely that racism is more closely linked to culture i.e. it is the product of nurture rather than nature?


Ironically, according to the map showing the most racist countries in the world, one of the best ways to stop racism from increasing in this country would be to bar immigration from the racist countries... which I suspect non-Conservative would call racist?!?


It seems to me that it get's increasing difficult to remain politically correct nowadays. It is almost impossible to have a view that someone can't twist to appear racist. Perhaps that is one of the reasons more and more people just can't be bothered any more.

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I don't get the point of the thread or the original report it links to. Even if it is true that the less intelligent are more likely to be racist... so what?


Will telling a racist they are probably racist because they are stupid stop them being racist? Even if it did stop them being racist would it stop them being stupid?


What is the point of this discussion? Are we proposing weighting the value of opinion based on intelligence? Perhaps one vote for those with an IQ of 90-110, half a vote for those below an IQ of 90 and one and a half votes for those above an IQ of 110? Would this work in favour of Conservatism or against it? :suspect:


I actually think that racism is influenced far more by culture than intelligence. Here is another take on it... look at this survey. Are the non-Conservative here implying that people from the most racist countries are that way because they lack intelligence? Forgive me but doesn't that seem... well... racist? Is it not more likely that racism is more closely linked to culture i.e. it is the product of nurture rather than nature?


Ironically, according to the map showing the most racist countries in the world, one of the best ways to stop racism from increasing in this country would be to bar immigration from the racist countries... which I suspect non-Conservative would call racist?!?


It seems to me that it get's increasing difficult to remain politically correct nowadays. It is almost impossible to have a view that someone can't twist to appear racist. Perhaps that is one of the reasons more and more people just can't be bothered any more.


The point of the topic is to claim that people with opinions disliked by dumb people are racists so therfor dumb.

It hasn't accured to the dumb people that the only reason they assume someone is racist is because they are too dumb to think otherwise. :)

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The point of the topic is to claim that people with opinions disliked by dumb people are racists so therfor dumb.

It hasn't accured to the dumb people that the only reason they assume someone is racist is because they are too dumb to think otherwise. :)


I doubt you read the link let alone the title,

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I doubt you read the link let alone the title,


I just read the first line.


There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.


And in my experiance dumbies from the left don't even know the meaning of the word racist.

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You said it, but I wouldn't say all. You'll do for starters though.




Considering it's a thread about prejudice linked to low IQ and conservatism, you could always try a new thread instead of an attempt at derailing this one.


Well seeing as the Labour party is more conservative than the Conservative party have ever been, then it's hardly derailing this one to ask the question.


---------- Post added 29-11-2015 at 14:10 ----------


I think the biggest concern is that despite the subject having been under discussion for 2 days, there are posters on here who still don't understand the difference between Conservative and conservative.

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There was a time when the Conservative party was dominated by social conservatives. Anti-immigration for the sake of it, anti-homosexual, staunch defenders of the traditional family unit. That time has passed. They're not exactly social democrats, but they are liberal.


After all it took a Conservative PM to finally lead the charge, and win it, for gay marriage.

One has to wonder why Blair or Brown never got around to sorting this out. Perhaps too many social conservatives in the Labour grass roots?


There's a firmer stance on immigration from the Conservatives I suppose. But that's going on across Europe and takes place in the context of abnormally high immigration across the continent. A lot of the 4 million people who voted UKIP at the last election were traditional Labour voters.


It was social issues which made me switch initially from Labour support, to Lib Dems and later to the Conservatives. If Labour had remained the champions of social progress, and the Conservatives had remained socially conservative, that would never have happened.


I don't know what my IQ is, but for reference I have a Physics PhD.


The name of the Conservative party reflects its roots and not its current ideals.

The division in modern UK politics is, in my opinion, about alternative solutions to our social problems, and not about whether those problems exist.

I know a lot of you are still firmly of the view that the Conservatives don't want to help the poor. I respectfully disagree. They have a different solution to the problems of low incomes and unemployment. One that I think has great merit, although I concede they can often be quite clumsy about it.

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