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Muslim Kindness

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I don't know. But no-one here seems to be claiming they are. I've certainly not. Not sure why you're bringing it up to be honest.


They can clearly perform a good act for someone in need though.


I understand that, but is the reason for doing the good act purely atruistic?

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Your neighbours seem lovely Dave, It's so heartwarming to hear of these good deeds and acts of kindness, here's a lovely story I read today which made me think of this thread.


Mum Begins 'Pay It Forward' Campaign After Kind Stranger Who Paid For Her Shopping Dies In Car Accident




A young Jordanian couple just bought the house next to mine.I got up a few days ago to find the side area of my house had been cleared of fallen leaves by the new owner, saving me a lot of work. I'll be willing to help him in other things, the way it should be.



Thank you for those stories :)


It's good to know that there's still some humanity and kindness in the world, when the media seem to focus on horror and misery.


---------- Post added 01-12-2015 at 17:05 ----------


I understand that, but is the reason for doing the good act purely atruistic?


Personally, I really don't care. I've got a degree in philosophy and know where that kind of reasoning ends up.


They got me to my job on time, probably saved my job. It was a good act. If it wasn't 'purely altruistic' I don't mind, a good act is a good act, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by onewheeldave
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Personally, I really don't care. I've got a degree in philosophy and know where that kind of reasoning ends up.


They got me to my job on time, probably saved my job. It was a good act. If it wasn't 'purely altruistic' I don't mind, a good act is a good act, as far as I'm concerned.


I'm not sure what you mean by "I've got a degree in philosophy and know where that kind of reasoning ends up"


I thought this was a discussion forum. I'm trying to understand if someone has a worldview which includes an afterlife based on behaviour in 'this life' can be purely altruistic.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "I've got a degree in philosophy and know where that kind of reasoning ends up"


Pretty much any concept used in everyday life, when subjected to serious philosophical analysis, will be found to be full of holes.


That includes moral concepts, good/bad, but, also to concepts of physical reality (e.g. how do you know, for sure, that the world is real- see Descates works for an intro) and, epistemological ones i.e. logic and knowledge itself.


So, I'm aware that moral acts can be analysised to the point that they crumble, but, no more so than any other concept.




I thought this was a discussion forum. I'm trying to understand if someone has a worldview which includes an afterlife based on behaviour in 'this life' can be purely altruistic.


So, if you want to have such a 'discussion' on the act of morality in question, feel free, but, I'm not interested in talking about that, as, to my mind, it would be somewhat selective, when it's possible to tear apart any concept.


Plus, I found that philosophy, to that level, was not good for my mind, or my happiness.


And, I've come to value sanity, and happiness, way more than boosting my own, and others, egos, by going round and round in convoluted rational circles, ending up, ultimately, nowhere usefull.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "I've got a degree in philosophy and know where that kind of reasoning ends up"


I thought this was a discussion forum. I'm trying to understand if someone has a worldview which includes an afterlife based on behaviour in 'this life' can be purely altruistic.


I'm sure there is a book especially written for Sheffield Forum users that has words that you don't usually use down the pub or while well around Lidl with the missus. The word I've singled out is Altruistic. Never heard it used before, noir probably never will.

On that note, its time for me to absquatulate.

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I'm not sure what religion has to do with anything?


I have Muslim neighbours, I have Christian neighbours, I have atheist neighbours.. I also have a neighbour who is a 6ft something black bloke and he helps our other 80+ year old neighbour with her shopping every week!!! OMG!!!


I don't see what the fuss is about - you find lovely people all over!

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