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Will Cameron have the guts to offer his MPs a free vote on Syria?

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There is a unanimous UN mandate and Cameron is trying to gain cross party support.


The UN resolution does not provide any legal basis for UK military action in Syria. The text of the resolution reads “take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law


Attacking ISIS targets in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government is still illegal according to international law.

Edited by rinzwind
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The UN resolution does not provide any legal basis for military action. The text of the resolution reads “take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law


Attacking ISIS targets in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government is still illegal according to international law.


The syrian gov has given permision to bomb isis.

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I know what a free vote is thanks, the question was whether Cameron is allowing his MPs one, still not got an answer in the media for some reason.

Or am I missing something and the whole thing is a free vote ? In which case why is so much being made of Corbyn allowing his lot one :confused:


Because Corbyn was considering NOT allowing a free vote. There was potential conflict and confusion. This was news.


Cameron was always intending it to be a free vote, so there was no confusion or internal conflict. Everything running smoothly, so no news.

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The UN resolution does not provide any legal basis for UK military action in Syria. The text of the resolution reads “take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law


Attacking ISIS targets in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government is still illegal according to international law.


It's reasonable to assume that you, like me, have a very limited knowledge of international law and what is and isn't legal in respect to military action by the UK. Whereas, the Attorney General says that it is legal and Parliament is going to vote to confirm it.

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why do you think that?


i'm quite sure cameron realised months ago that he would have to have a free vote, he knows well enough that the tories who are opposed to bombing will just ignore him if he tired to whip the vote


and while corbyn has done the sensible and right thing, it's a shame that he's only done so after being forced to do so after a week and a half of pointless bickering and by the threat of the shadow cabinet resigning en-masse. for a politician of many years standing, he really is bad at politics.


Wrong and wrong.


---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:31 ----------


Perhaps you should keep up to date. The Tories will have a free vote on the issue just like they did last time.


Also wrong.


---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:34 ----------


I suspect he will, because he has already stated he will only hold a vote if he is confidant the house will pass it. If he is confidant, there is no need to whip.


He wasn't confident then.


---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:35 ----------



As for Cameron doing the same I thought that the Tories were having a free vote anyway, no need for a whip as it should go through fairly easily.


Well no they didn't.

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Given the chaos in the Labour party over the period (and continuing to date) I don't blame him for telling his MPs' to vote with the government. It wasn't a whipped vote though from my understanding, just a request.


No, it was a whipped vote. It was made clear by the Conservative MP on Question Time last night. The Guardian have also reported it.

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No, it was a whipped vote. It was made clear by the Conservative MP on Question Time last night. The Guardian have also reported it.


That's absolutely awful. What an absolute <swear word>...we really are starting to see party divisions on conduct.

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No, it was a whipped vote. It was made clear by the Conservative MP on Question Time last night. The Guardian have also reported it.


This is correct. Nicky Morgan Con minister was on Question Time/Question Time Extra and she confirmed it was a whipped vote.


Cant see why it was awful Kate, its politics and a vote they wanted to won. Pretty standard.

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