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Organ Donor Regulations in Wales - Rest of UK?

If this policy became UK-wide...  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. If this policy became UK-wide...

    • If you're already registered, would you NOT "Opt Out"
    • If you're already registered, would you "Opt Out"
    • If you're not already registered, would you NOT "Opt Out"
    • If you're not already registered, would you "Opt Out"

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As I'm now living in Wales this law change applies to me.

There has been lots of literature through the door advertising the changes for a number of months now.

I've chosen to ignore them, and do nothing....in effect giving my consent.

I've also made sure my family know my wishes, as under the new rules they will still be asked for permission.


The problem as I see it is anyone deemed to have consented in this way MUST let their family know their wishes otherwise the family will have a difficult decision to make. We all know that people are just lazy...and perhaps intended to opt out but never got around to it.


Little did I know when I posted the above that 12 months later I would find myself in need of a transplant.

I became reliant on dialysis for the next 14 months, until I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant.

I truly believe the new system in Wales saved my life.

It can only be a good thing for those waiting in England.

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Little did I know when I posted the above that 12 months later I would find myself in need of a transplant.

I became reliant on dialysis for the next 14 months, until I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant.

I truly believe the new system in Wales saved my life.

It can only be a good thing for those waiting in England.


I hope everything goes well for you, Allen, pleased to hear you're doing ok with your new kidney!! :) :)

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Wonder how long it will take for the first scandal to break where it turns out a hospital has been removing organs from people who have died but not opted out and selling them.


Is that anymore likely to happen than today with the organs of people who have opted in?

And where would they even sell to? It's not like there's a thriving private market for organ transplants in the UK! :confused:


---------- Post added 09-11-2018 at 10:59 ----------


Little did I know when I posted the above that 12 months later I would find myself in need of a transplant.

I became reliant on dialysis for the next 14 months, until I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant.

I truly believe the new system in Wales saved my life.

It can only be a good thing for those waiting in England.


Good luck with the procedure.

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I would support an opt-out system but there should be an extra level of opting in that would always override any family member's wishes.


With opt-in one of the concerns is that it would place even more reliance on the wishes of family than of the deceased. If someone feels strongly that they want to donate their organs and they are a suitable donor then no one should be able to override that, family or not, imo. And conversely if they didn't want to donate, of course.

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Everyone who has a donor card should have that conversation with their families.

The wishes of the deceased should be foremost.

It is my wish that when I die anything of any use should be taken for use in someone else and I will come back and haunt my family if they don't offer !

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