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Should Cameron apologise?

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Cameron calls those who are opposed to joining in the ongoing bombing campaign in Syria "terrorism sympathisers".

No he didn't.


If we just rely on dropping bombs from planes, which has already been going on over Syria for a long time, many families in Syria who have their innocent family members killed will be calling Cameron a terrorist.


Posibly, but unless ISIS are destroyed they won't see their family members ever agian and the children of those family memebrs will one day be ISIS fighters.



If ISIS are to be defeated I believe there are only 2 possible options. 1: Peace negotiations. Not with ISIS, but between Assad and the opposition rebels. This would enable Syrian people to quickly wipe out ISIS.


Not very likley to happen because whilst they all hate ISIS they also hate each other.



2: Invade Syria using ground troops as well as planes and install an American puppet president to replace Assad.

That will cost more loss of life.



I don't believe Cameron's claims that our airpower is better than the USA's and France's and Russia's combined. So why do we need to get involved in an already crowded group already eager to drop bombs on Syria?

We are alseady involved and bombing ISIS.


Lots of Tory MPs apparently are sceptical of Cameron's claim that Syrian rebels will be enough to defeat ISIS when we start dropping bombs on Syrians. Will this claim end up being his equivalent of Blair's WMD claim?

He can no more look into the future than you or I. He hopes they can, he doesn't know they can.

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I know its hard to believe but some people didn't know, hence the reason I posted it.


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 20:22 ----------



How do we stop them getting guns and money, bomb their suppliers? or give them a firm telling off. killing them is the best and only way to stop them hurting us.


Apologies for my rudeness betterman. Carry on sir!:thumbsup:

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And that's where the problem lies. Nobody knows whom is supporting them. And the footsoldiers are coming from everywhere, moving freely from country to country. In short, they are really a mystery, and the world's greatest foe.


In reality they have no serious military capability, no air power, nothing of any military use outside their limited zone of control.


In military terms they have severely limited capability to hurt people in the UK. They are not the world's greatest foe and they never will be.

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In reality they have no serious military capability, no air power, nothing of any military use outside their limited zone of control.


In military terms they have severely limited capability to hurt people in the UK. They are not the world's greatest foe and they never will be.


Can you think of a worse group that murders so regularly and ruthlessly?

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I have just listened to Birmingham ladyship Labour MP Shabana Mahmoods speech and for me it was the best I have heard so far.She is a Sunni Muslim herself and although she will not back bombing because there are no ground forces to back it up she said she herself would be killed by them because her outlook on Islam is different to theirs.She also said that they cannot be negotiated with and the vote tonight will not make the threat to us any less or greater to us than it already is.She was indirectly saying that if we are going to do it we will have to do it properly and get some troops in and they must be moderate and on our side.I hope some of these pacifists take in what she and many others have said and that ISIL must be destroyed at some point in the future.

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In reality they have no serious military capability, no air power, nothing of any military use outside their limited zone of control.


In military terms they have severely limited capability to hurt people in the UK. They are not the world's greatest foe and they never will be.


Nobody has suggested they pose a military threat to the UK, they pose a terrorist threat to the UK (and pretty much everywhere else)

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Interestingly I've just been reading that the RAF's bombing in Iraq has resulted in a ISIL losing a third of their territory without civilian casualties. Would a repeat of that over the border in Syria meet with your approval?


This is a disputed claim and in my opinion almost certainly untrue.


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 21:08 ----------


Surely using that logic Overlord (indeed any attacks on nazi occuied Europe) would not have been acceptable for fear of killing innocent french cives and the continent would still be under nazi rule.


Apples and pears. Another time, another war, completely not comparable.

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In reality they have no serious military capability, no air power, nothing of any military use outside their limited zone of control.


In military terms they have severely limited capability to hurt people in the UK. They are not the world's greatest foe and they never will be.


They have about 100,000 fighters. If they are left to their own devices then they will continue to expand. they will gain greater power and with no real opposition they cna consolidate and build their capability. The first targets will be to yake over the rest of Syria and Iraq.


If they are left alone to win in Iraq and Syria then they will have the ability to destabilise the region further.


To hurt the Uk or Europe they only need to train and supply weapons to people sympathetic to their aims, then attack civilian targets in the same way Paris was. Only a few of these attacks is enough to cause widespead disruption in the UK. Ome or two Paris like attacks would be enough to hurt this country.


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 21:16 ----------


That's not a reason to bomb them.............yet


Contain them first on the ground. Cut them off economically.


How isnt bombing them containing them on the ground? You are restricting their expansion and ability to move freely about their territory.

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