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Should Cameron apologise?

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Watching the debate on SkyNews live now, and just about everyone is asking him to apologise for his despicable comments, even his own party members. Why is he not apologising? Doesn't he realise every time he is asked and ignores whoever is asking it makes him look even worse?!

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Many in the Labour, SNP and other parties are terrorist sympathisers, indeed some are ex terrorists so why should he apologise.


It's making me laugh listening to Corbyn trying to push for an apology when there is actually no doubt that he himself is!


Cameron will not apologise as he'll be well aware that the mud will stick

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Watching the debate on SkyNews live now, and just about everyone is asking him to apologise for his despicable comments, even his own party members. Why is he not apologising? Doesn't he realise every time he is asked and ignores whoever is asking it makes him look even worse?!


Corbyn is milking this now.


He has said absolutely NOTHING about what he would do.


Instead of criticizing everything Tory and wasting all this time on the despatch box, why doesn't he offer any other options. His option which he keeps saying is 'no airstrikes'... then what?


Give 'the people' something to listen to. He's just side-stepping as to not drop himself in it, and so he can criticize when it goes tits up.

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Perhaps if Corbyn hadn't stood on so many platforms supporting, and supported by, terrorists, then I would say that Cameron should apologise. But Corbyn, and some people voting against air-strikes have shown themselves to be terrorist sympathisers.


Perhaps if Cameron had said that all people voting against air-strikes are terrorist sympathisers, then he should apologise, but he didn't and he has gone on to say that he respects a different viewpoint.


I'm no Conservative by any stretch of the imagination, but have the deepest disrespect for identity politics, and the continuous moaning about the irrelevances of what people say just because of what 'team' they belong to is annoying. If people want to imagine that everything a politician says is horrible(*) then they will be in a continual state of wanting an apology.


I recall "swarmgate" a few weeks ago, and yet nobody complained about Obama using a negative word of Biblical proportions when referring to migrants.


As *_ash_* says, let's hear some positive alternatives to joining international efforts rather than irrelevant complaining.


* With the exception of Trump of course, everything he says IS horrible.

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Corbyn is milking this now.


He has said absolutely NOTHING about what he would do.


Instead of criticizing everything Tory and wasting all this time on the despatch box, why doesn't he offer any other options. His option which he keeps saying is 'no airstrikes'... then what?


Give 'the people' something to listen to. He's just side-stepping as to not drop himself in it, and so he can criticize when it goes tits up.


He just said what is alternative plan is, he wants a nagotiated peaceful settlement. :loopy:

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Noone has demonstrated that bombing Raqqa will make the UK safer, or do anything to stem ISIS. Even the Foreign Affairs Committee have said that and voted AGAINST air strikes. Syrian lives are worth as much as UK ones, and how we can condone the killing of thousands of innocent for a chance it might save a handful on UK lives is appalling. We want to take Raqqa? Full commitment then. Send in our troops. Lets stop taking the cowards option of dropping bombs.

Remember, in order to take a city, ground forces will also be using bombs,ie mortars, RPGs, tanks etc.

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Corbyn is milking this now.


He has said absolutely NOTHING about what he would do.


Instead of criticizing everything Tory and wasting all this time on the despatch box, why doesn't he offer any other options. His option which he keeps saying is 'no airstrikes'... then what?


Give 'the people' something to listen to. He's just side-stepping as to not drop himself in it, and so he can criticize when it goes tits up.


It's taken you this long to realise that Corbyn is a one trick pony and that the above is all he ever does?


Corbyn just wants to oppose "tory" because "tory". He doesn't have much beyond that.

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