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Should Cameron apologise?

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All wars end with negotiation. It's always possible.


No they don't.


You don't usually get death cults declaring war on you. This war will only end with the deaths of lots of IS fighters and leaders.


You've still not quite grasped the basic point of IS have you?

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To raise both hands into the air or to wave a white flag, that is the politics of Corbyn and those like him. Sure it would be nice if we all lived in a marshmallow world where everyone got along but we are a long way from it.


I too am no Tory but the more I hear this kind of dribble from the left the more I find myself siding with the Tories and UKIP.


Come on Corbyn please explain to us what you would do if you were in power, stop being so anti Tory and give us an alternative. Would our troops be fighting anywhere? maybe he would just bin them entirely as he certainly wouldn't have them protecting our borders either!

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Come on Corbyn please explain to us what you would do if you were in power


Apart from sing Kumbayah, eat flowers and get stoned?


He's got no idea. He never expects, or I suspect wants to be in power.


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 14:02 ----------


That's my understanding too...


To be fair, the Japanese did get to keep the Emperor. That's the one concession we gave them. It's a bit of negotiation.


The Germans got to choose if they surrendered to the US/UK or to the Soviets. Funnily enough they chose the lesser of two evils.

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