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Should Cameron apologise?

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No they don't.


You don't usually get death cults declaring war on you. This war will only end with the deaths of lots of IS fighters and leaders.


You've still not quite grasped the basic point of IS have you?


It does seem rather like negotiating with the Yorkshire Ripper doesn't it?


"If you'll stick to just murdering prostitues we'll turn a blind eye"

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I notice that "should Cameron say sorry?" is now the main news on BBC, and not the actual important issue that MPs are going to be voting on.


The very same BBC that won't use the term Daesh because IS find it offensive. Anyone would think that they had an agenda.

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They wouldn't have been sat at the table without having been "persuaded"..


I thought we negotiated them to the table. After all we sent our very best no expenses spared people codenamed the Fat Man and the Little Boy to do our talking for us....

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It does seem rather like negotiating with the Yorkshire Ripper doesn't it?


"If you'll stick to just murdering prostitues we'll turn a blind eye"


Perhaps we can get them to throw homosexuals from lower rooftops.

Or ensure minimum nutritional standards for their sex slaves.

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No they don't.


You don't usually get death cults declaring war on you. This war will only end with the deaths of lots of IS fighters and leaders.


You've still not quite grasped the basic point of IS have you?


Careful, you'll be accused of being brain-washed by right-wing rags :hihi:




What do you think Anna?, since this is being discussed now live on TV before the press on all sides get hold of it. Or are you going to wait until the left-wing rags write something that you can side with :)

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Corbyn is milking this now.


He has said absolutely NOTHING about what he would do.


Instead of criticizing everything Tory and wasting all this time on the despatch box, why doesn't he offer any other options. His option which he keeps saying is 'no airstrikes'... then what?


Give 'the people' something to listen to. He's just side-stepping as to not drop himself in it, and so he can criticize when it goes tits up.



So you are aware that it's going to go 'tits up' then.


I think most people are. Except Cameron.


I thought Corbyn handled Cameron's despicable ccomments very well. He was very calm and collected and did not milk it at all. He didn't demand an apology. He invited Cameron to apologise.


Cameron was stupid not to apologise.


I think Corbyn made some very good points. Especially about establishing which banks are supporting Daesh and making attempts to cut off their funding sources.

Edited by Hesther
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