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Old Henderson's building to become a pub


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Why not just demolish it and build something else?


The University has already taken a big hit with the Jessop Hospital site development and demolishing a Sheffield icon is probably seen as one step too far for them (Im only guessing here, I don't have inside info although we all knew something was happening)


I guess this is their plan to sweeten the pill when the University Arms goes in the campus master plan.


Ill be interested to see the plans for the new pub as the whole beer garden area was the best part of the University Arms

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Only in Sheffield could a building in which a local condiment used to be made be held up as a beacon of what the city is all about. No wonder Leeds is miles ahead.




It's not a great building and it's lost its meaning since Hendersons relocated. To pretend that the building is still Hendersons and part of our culture and is so fake.


To call it 'iconic' is meaningless.

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It's not a great building and it's lost its meaning since Hendersons relocated. To pretend that the building is still Hendersons and part of our culture and is so fake.


To call it 'iconic' is meaningless.


There should be a like button

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Guest makapaka
Only in Sheffield could a building in which a local condiment used to be made be held up as a beacon of what the city is all about. No wonder Leeds is miles ahead.


Who holds it up as "a beacon of what the city is all about"? I don't know anyone who does that or seen anything said as such in the media.


It's just part of the heritage and people are interested in it.


Equating Leeds economic success with people's views on the hendersons building - don't be daft.

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It's not a great building and it's lost its meaning since Hendersons relocated. To pretend that the building is still Hendersons and part of our culture and is so fake.


To call it 'iconic' is meaningless.


It is iconic, for over a. Hundred years it's something we've been known for, and it should be kept as a part of our heritage

Personally speaking whenever I was in Sheffield I'd nip up west st and have a peek

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It is iconic, for over a. Hundred years it's something we've been known for, and it should be kept as a part of our heritage

Personally speaking whenever I was in Sheffield I'd nip up west st and have a peek


Given recent architectural gems scattered around that area by the University I do wonder if the University is the best option to pull this off though....I hope I am wrong!

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