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Oldham West and Royston by-election. Corbyn's big test.

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Labour did much better than I thought and increased their vote share, which I didn't think they would. However the result means nothing. Labour and Corbyn's electoral Date With Fate, is in May.

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Labour did much better than I thought and increased their vote share, which I didn't think they would. However the result means nothing. Labour and Corbyn's electoral Date With Fate, is in May.

And if he won, but on a reduced majority, he would have been slated by everyone, and the tabloids would have been saying "he is taking them over a cliff".....and "we said he was unelectable"

Well done Jeremy, just let the knockers keep knocking :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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And if he won, but on a reduced majority, he would have been slated by everyone, and the tabloids would have been saying "he is taking them over a cliff".....and "we said he was unelectable"

Well done Jeremy, just let the knockers keep knocking :thumbsup::thumbsup:


:) He does seem to be carrying on regardless and getting it right (praps some people really do agree with him :D) :thumbsup:

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Oldham named as election fraud 'hotspot' by the Electoral Commission no less.


The new MP quite rightly took a strict line on voting fraud last year.



Electoral Commission chairman Jenny Watson said: “Proven cases of electoral fraud are rare and when it is committed, the perpetrators tend to be candidates or their supporters.


“Voters are the victims and sustained action is needed now to prevent fraud from taking place. Although the introduction of individual electoral registration this year will tighten up the registration system more can and should be done.”


Coun Jim McMahon, leader of Oldham council, said: “If a member has been elected through fraud they hold no democratic legitimacy.


“One person, one vote was hard fought for over generations during a struggle where some lost their lives just a few miles down the road at Peterloo. Using ballot papers as a commodity which can be traded is an attack to the very thing we fight to defend and will not be tolerated. If we receive any allegations of this type we immediately report them to the police so they can be investigated thoroughly.


“We would always encourage anyone with information regarding suspected electoral fraud or irregularities to report concerns to us or the police.”

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It wasn't a "big test" at all. Its an "old" Labour stronghold, with a good candidate and an area most likely high of £3 leader voters. And lets not forget its not too far from where Gordon Brown called that lady a bigot.


Quite why the BBC and UKIP are surprised at the result is beyond me.


Lets see a by-election down south, then that may be more of a test.

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A Labour party led by Fred West and a candidate of Jack the Ripper with a manifesto of "murder everyone" would clean up in Oldham West.


No sleight intended on Corbyn btw. Just telling it how it is. Some people just really don't understand just how set in its ways the electorate is in certain places.

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so any new Labour candidate would struggle to get any where near that majority or share of the vote in a By - Election


Labour wins Oldham byelection by wide margin


With an increased share of the vote as well.



Labour probably will get a pasting


I shan't ask you for tomorrow's Lotto numbers then.



However the result means nothing.


Nothing at all? It doesn't mean that Labour are doing any better nationally but it shows that Labour supporters are not defecting to UKIP for example, despite much UKIP bluster prior to the result.


I'm sure Jeremy Corbyn doesn't think that the result means "nothing".

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