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Oldham West and Royston by-election. Corbyn's big test.

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The Daily Mail is biased against Labour. I would not question that. They're a private business and it's up to them. The Guardian takes the reverse position. That's not a problem either.

The BBC is chronically biased against the Conservatives. That's unacceptable, funded as they are by a state mandated poll tax.


I don't think the BBC are biased against the Tories. Nick Robinson & Laura Kuennsberg are often pretty favourable to them. The amount of times we've seen Tories let off the hook in interviews is astounding, when the obvious difficult questions were skimmed over or not asked at all or when claims went unchallenged. I will grant you when Labour were in power they did get a lot of similarly lightweight scrutiny from Beeb political interviewers.


Contrast recently though with Keunnsberg's detailed grilling of Corbyn over whether he would bow to the queen. It was her that blew the lid off that subject and created a terrible few days for Corbyn. That doesn't look like bias.

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Equality of opportunity. If someone has an opportunity and wastes it well i don't have much sympathy, of course your expectations are heavily influenced by your upbringing, so some people may not recognise the value of an opportunity. Or even worse think the opportunity is above them.

I don't think i believe in direct redistribution as i believe you cherish something more if you have worked hard for it.

On equality of result, aren't we seeing too many in government because of who they are or who they know (usually because of where they are schooled) and not because of proven merits.

btw what does "MY BOLD" mean?


Etiquette dictates that if one quotes somebody's post and you modifies it for any reason, one makes it clear that one has done so.


---------- Post added 05-12-2015 at 12:49 ----------


I don't think the BBC are biased against the Tories. Nick Robinson & Laura Kuennsberg are often pretty favourable to them. The amount of times we've seen Tories let off the hook in interviews is astounding, when the obvious difficult questions were skimmed over or not asked at all or when claims went unchallenged. I will grant you when Labour were in power they did get a lot of similarly lightweight scrutiny from Beeb political interviewers.


Contrast recently though with Keunnsberg's detailed grilling of Corbyn over whether he would bow to the queen. It was her that blew the lid off that subject and created a terrible few days for Corbyn. That doesn't look like bias.


Corbyn is too socialist even for the BBC. That's quite a feat.

The BBC support continued membership of the EU, high state spending and all manner of other things which are more in keeping with Labour politics. It may be that they've taken against Corbyn.

As for interview technique, there have always been soft interviews and harder interviews. Conservative ministers have had to become skilled at dealing with BBC folk.

Edited by unbeliever
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Etiquette dictates that if one quotes somebody's post and you modifies it for any reason, one makes it clear that one has done so.


---------- Post added 05-12-2015 at 12:49 ----------



Corbyn is too socialist even for the BBC. That's quite a feat.

The BBC support continued membership of the EU, high state spending and all manner of other things which are more in keeping with Labour politics. It may be that they've taken against Corbyn.

As for interview technique, there have always been soft interviews and harder interviews. Conservative ministers have had to become skilled at dealing with BBC folk.


You forget that it is official Tory policy to stay in the EU. If the BBC is aligned with the governing party on that then yes it is bias but not the type you are looking for.

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You forget that it is official Tory policy to stay in the EU. If the BBC is aligned with the governing party on that then yes it is bias but not the type you are looking for.


It is official Tory policy to let the people decide, and subject to reforms to advise them to stay in

.It is Labour policy simply to stay in.

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If people believed in equal opportunity then there would be 1 type of school and no inheritance, every child would be equal to make of life what it could, never happen obviously. Is this a right wing or left wing attitude? I can see it as capitalist in the extreme or communist

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UKIP is the most socially representative party there is. The super rich created it and have got millions of poorer people to vote for them.


The super rich wanted to protect their businesses from European competition and got working people to vote for them by scaring them with EU rules (the price would be higher prices through lack of competition, less jobs and investment).


The super rich wanted to protect their businesses from Global competition and got working people to vote to pull out of trade agreements (the price would be fewer jobs and higher prices through lack of competition from non EU firms investing here).


The super rich wanted to increase their profits by removing laws that protect the workforce and got working people to vote to pull out of agreements that protect their rights (the price would be less pay, longer hours, less job security and more danger).


The super rich wanted protect themselves from criticism so got working people to vote for them by scaring about lefties and waste in the BBC (the price would be Sky and Fox fodder).


And of course scare them but do nothing about the cheap labour supplied by immigration.

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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Etiquette dictates that if one quotes somebody's post and you modifies it for any reason, one makes it clear that one has done so.


---------- Post added 05-12-2015 at 12:49 ----------



Corbyn is too socialist even for the BBC. That's quite a feat.

The BBC support continued membership of the EU, high state spending and all manner of other things which are more in keeping with Labour politics. It may be that they've taken against Corbyn.

As for interview technique, there have always been soft interviews and harder interviews. Conservative ministers have had to become skilled at dealing with BBC folk.



Actually, Corbyn simply represents the people, which is what Labour is meant to do. The media is against him which is why everything you've ever seen/read about Corbyn is probably wrong.

Bias and exaggeration on this scale is a very tough nut to crack, which is why Corbyn gets out and about actually meeting people in the flesh.

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Actually, Corbyn simply represents the people, which is what Labour is meant to do. The media is against him which is why everything you've ever seen/read about Corbyn is probably wrong.

Bias and exaggeration on this scale is a very tough nut to crack, which is why Corbyn gets out and about actually meeting people in the flesh.


Corbyn represents the public sector unions.

If you want the entire country run for the benefit of those who are supposed to be employed to serve it, he's your man

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UKIP is the most socially representative party there is. The super rich created it and have got millions of poorer people to vote for them.


The super rich wanted to protect their businesses from European competition and got working people to vote for them by scaring them with EU rules (the price would be higher prices through lack of competition, less jobs and investment).


The super rich wanted to protect their businesses from Global competition and got working people to vote to pull out of trade agreements (the price would be fewer jobs and higher prices through lack of competition from non EU firms investing here).


The super rich wanted to increase their profits by removing laws that protect the workforce and got working people to vote to pull out of agreements that protect their rights (the price would be less pay, longer hours, less job security and more danger).


The super rich wanted protect themselves from criticism so got working people to vote for them by scaring about lefties and waste in the BBC (the price would be Sky and Fox fodder).


And of course scare them but do nothing about the cheap labour supplied by immigration.


What a load of crock.


Have you stopped to think for a minute that it is super rich and their companies that have embraced globalisation and the ability to source raw materials, ship out laborious tasks, ship out manufacturing, outsource administrative operations through foreign countries in order to ensure the lowest bottom line on anything and everything.


Its the super rich and associated companies who have embraced the EU open movement policies to ensure that all those low level service jobs that us brits think beneath us are filled with thousands of migrant workers from Eastern Europe


Its the super rich and associated companies who use many many of the EU regulations and protections which allow them to offshore operations and divisions which give them huge tax saving advantages.


An economics academic and a handful of right wing nuts from a ex tory think tank are not representation of the "super rich". That's how the UKIP got founded if you care to do some research.


I don't doubt that a handful of bored millionaires have supported the party or a protest stance. However, they are nowhere near the league of the companies and individuals who really have power over this planet.


You think they want out of the EU. Think again.


---------- Post added 05-12-2015 at 14:54 ----------


Corbyn represents the public sector unions.

If you want the entire country run for the benefit of those who are supposed to be employed to serve it, he's your man




It astounds me the arrogance of Mclusky and Co who seemingly think they have a right to demand what their "leader" does as if they are in the house alongside with Corbyn.


Who the hell do they think they are. The electorate did not vote for Unite or Momentum.


They voted Labour. Corbyn's continued involvement and pandering to these types has shown what he is far more than even the disaster Milliband did.


Its an embarrassment to the country and the quicker this novelty act is dropped from this position the better.

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Corbyn’s Labour Party won Oldham with an increased 62% share of the vote. Second-placed Ukip, who spent the month-long campaign being talked up, received just 23%. So talk Corbyn down all you want and hide your head in the sand if you wish, but Corbyn has proved he is electable because he represents the many people who feel they have no voice to represent them. Press ownership in this country is dominated by right-wing foreign-owned non-doms, fearful that a left wing Government will make them pay their taxes.

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