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Theft of pensioners savings

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Does anyone remember the insurance agent in Abbeydale rd stealing pensioners investment funds and fleeing the country. The name was David Simmonds his agency office was near the corner of Chippinghouse rd,he took £250,000, when finally tracked down in Sitges Spain, he had made himself a citizen and could not be extradited, Goodness knows why! Iwould have thought that Spain being a EEC country should have recinded his citizenship, him being a felon,he took a large sum from myself and brother-in-law in fact it was a contributory cause of his death. Arthur.

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Also i remember "Styrings and Styrings Estate agents" in "Chapel Square" in the 60's..They ripped me off for the deposit on a house sale..They also sold the same house to about 9 other prospect buyers who had also paid deposits...The person responsible for this fraud only got 18 months when he was caught out.

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Arthur, these things are still happening today.

My wife had an insurance policy taken out on her by her mother in 1946,

6 months ago she decided to cash it in so that I or our children didn't have any messing about on her death, she was told that this policy had been paid out in the 70's, how could they pay money out without a death certificate or to someone who's name did not appear on the policy or was not a family member ?

They could not tell us who the money had been paid out too, as they say they don't keep files for more than 6 years, they have offered to pay my wife about 100 pounds as we still have the policy etc, but there is a principle involved here.

I can't give anymore info at the moment as we are going through the insurance ombudsman to get to the bottom of this situation.

What chances would my family or I have had of proving this situation if my wife had died ?

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Hi Skippy, Stick with it you will get a real buzz if you beat them , wish I could see my thieving B in jail and the return of peoples money, though I have got over it a long time since my family could find a use for 10 grand , and my sister -in-law 22 grand, and as jen said it does make ones blood boil, good luck with your quest anyhow Cheers Arthur.

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Does anyone remember the insurance agent in Abbeydale rd stealing pensioners investment funds and fleeing the country. The name was David Simmonds his agency office was near the corner of Chippinghouse rd,he took £250,000, when finally tracked down in Sitges Spain, he had made himself a citizen and could not be extradited, Goodness knows why! Iwould have thought that Spain being a EEC country should have recinded his citizenship, him being a felon,he took a large sum from myself and brother-in-law in fact it was a contributory cause of his death. Arthur.




Being a member of the EC doesn`t mean they have signed up to an Extradition Agreement. Thats the clue !!! Try folowing the Talmud and the Eye in the Pyramid !

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Also i remember "Styrings and Styrings Estate agents" in "Chapel Square" in the 60's..They ripped me off for the deposit on a house sale..They also sold the same house to about 9 other prospect buyers who had also paid deposits...The person responsible for this fraud only got 18 months when he was caught out.


You should have frozen his assets matey. The point is that people don`t kno0w what to do when they are RIGHT . Look up Lincoln and the dishonest lawyers who stole Leaseholds from their clients. Funny, they were all Freemasons.

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