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Nasty Party to purge dissenters?

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Following the vote on whether to bomb in Syria, the attacks on those Labour MPs who went against the wishes of their leader have started.


Do we expect to see sitting MPs deselected as suggested by Ken Livingstone?


Jeremy Corbyn has said he wanted to listen. Cheap words by the sound of it.


I think what is starting to happen show the real nasty party at work.


There is no way that the current Labour Party could ever be described as "One Nation".

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Whilst the bullying claims within the Labour Party are pretty unedifying, they are quite typical of UK politics in general. The Tories have their own bullying scandal to deal with, plus a pretty unpleasant political agenda. Some of it truly nasty.


I guess that the Lib Dems would love to have a big enough membership to split into factions. As things stand, if their MPs formed a decent sized gang, there would be nobody left to bully.


Silly thread title too.

Edited by MLAR
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Jeremy Corbyn has said he wanted to listen. Cheap words by the sound of it.


the sorts of things you mention may be being done in his name but is it being done with his active or tacit approval? and if it isn't would those doing it stop if he told them too?


a large number of not very pleasant very left wing groups jumped on his coat tails and it's not at al clear that they have any more respect for him and his views than the labour mp's.

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Watching Channel 4 news last night there was a very nasty women giving an elected MP what for despite the fact the MP had voted against air strikes.


Corbyn seems to have awakened a faction within Labour that is nasty and vindictive. I have had the displeasure of meeting people like this in the past. They are very unpleasant to talk to.

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How many Labour members have committed suicide recently as a result of being bullied?


That was a tragedy which should be thoroughly investigated.


There's a big difference between bullying by a low level activist and systematic abuse by the top levels of the party, which is what Labour are up to right now.


Let's just agree that neither is acceptable and condemn both.

Or do we have to wait for a senior Labour member to commit suicide?

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Whilst the bullying claims within the Labour Party are pretty unedifying, they are quite typical of UK politics in general. The Tories have their own bullying scandal to deal with, plus a pretty unpleasant political agenda. Some of it truly nasty.


I guess that the Lib Dems would love to have a big enough membership to split into factions. As things stand, if their MPs formed a decent sized gang, there would be nobody left to bully.


Silly thread title too.


Re BIB. The Tories are regularly titled as the nasty party on the basis that they look to split the country into haves and have nots. They have nothing on the left wing of the Labour party when it comes to bile and a wish to divide the country. The thread title was an attempt to show this.

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Re BIB. The Tories are regularly titled as the nasty party on the basis that they look to split the country into haves and have nots. They have nothing on the left wing of the Labour party when it comes to bile and a wish to divide the country. The thread title was an attempt to show this.


I think you were quite right to start a discussion on this matter.


Labour and other socialist/social democrat organisations like to make themselves out to be the champions of liberalism, freedom and free speech, but all too often this seems only to apply to those with whom they broadly agree.

The pro-airstrike group within the Labour party has conducted itself in a responsible, respectful and reasoned manner. They have refused to be bullied and have done what they judged right despite the personal cost. They're exactly the sort of people who should be leading said party and their presence within the party gives me hope for its future.


Hilary Benn for example. A man who defends unions with all his might, openly refers to himself as a socialist, pushes tirelessly for the rich and successful to do more to support those who are struggling. He reminds me so much of his father, who I agreed with on very little but who always had my utmost respect.


Labour supporters: "Purge" such people and apart from the damage you do to the nation by denying us a credible opposition, you seal your own doom.

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Re BIB. The Tories are regularly titled as the nasty party on the basis that they look to split the country into haves and have nots. They have nothing on the left wing of the Labour party when it comes to bile and a wish to divide the country. The thread title was an attempt to show this.


the left wing tend to do it visibly and vocally while the tories do it behind closed doors

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Funny thread title when a young activist lies dead as the result of bullying within the Conservative party. Some MPs have such a sense of entitlement that they have come to regard any lobbying (apart from by their wealthy mates) as bullying.

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