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Nasty Party to purge dissenters?

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You shouldnt have to silence constituents who wnat to use violence abuse or threats, perhaps the cobnstituents ought to have a word with themselves about whether they should be doing it in the first place. Whats ironic is the Tories have been shamed about the bullying scandal and then so called Labour activists cant see they cross the line as well by their abusive behaviour.


There is an enormous difference between the bulling to death of a young party activist by a more powerful member of the party (Conservative) and angry constituents berating their elected representatives over the emotive issue of going to war (Labour).

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There is an enormous difference between the bulling to death of a young party activist by a more powerful member of the party (Conservative) and angry constituents berating their elected representatives over the emotive issue of going to war (Labour).


Yes, there is, but some activists have been sending death threats. Let's not let our support of our own parties blind us to terrible conduct on our own side as well as the opposition.


Neither is acceptable.

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Yes, there is, but some activists have been sending death threats. Let's not let our support of our own parties blind us to terrible conduct on our own side as well as the opposition.


Neither is acceptable.


Nonsense. Not a soul has said that sending death threats is acceptable, no one thinks this. To conflate lobbying an MP to the sending of death threats is a spurious comparison and only serves to underline how weak your argument is. Setting up straw men so that you can knock then them down.

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There is an enormous difference between the bulling to death of a young party activist by a more powerful member of the party (Conservative) and angry constituents berating their elected representatives over the emotive issue of going to war (Labour).


They are both out of order. They are different but both forms of behaviour that need condemning outright or it makes people look like hypocrites.

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Nonsense. Not a soul has said that sending death threats is acceptable, no one thinks this. To conflate lobbying an MP to the sending of death threats is a spurious comparison and only serves to underline how weak your argument is. Setting up straw men so that you can knock then them down.


No I think you've just done that as I said nothing of the sort. And if you actually want to read I have put rather than just kicking off because someone has called you out on something then you'll see that I agreed with you that they aren't the same.

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I'm not sure why protesting against any MP, even at a constituency office, on such serious matters is bullying, posting pictures of dead children and worse sending death threats is another thing.


And i really wish the anti-war movement was not led by ex SWP leaders and 'tankies' who are very selective in which wars they want to stop.

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Some of these so called 'threats' are non-existent: http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2015/dec/04/stella-creasy-crushes-story-about-protest-outside-her-house

The anti-Corbyn lobby both in and outside Labour is very aggressive and will turn every piece of news into Corbyn bashing.


Stella only claims she has no evidence the protest was outside her house. There is no evidence this protest did not take place, and their is also no counter claim that she has not received the threats to deselect her.


With one persons claims against another and the ambiguity of Stella's comments, its impossible to judge which is true. Could a protest of gone to her house, yes. Could Stella have not noticed it, yes I suppose, could the protest have been so small and for such a short period of time that Stella did not notice it, true.


There are too many unknowns also, so for now, this report in the Guardian (the Labour supporting none-tax paying news paper), is very fragile. This may change in the future, but for now, I' not convinced.

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