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Nasty Party to purge dissenters?

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I know many Corbynites, some are my nieces, nephews, family members and their friends and not many work or contribute to society. My job however puts me in contact with many many hard working families and they all know better than to vote for Labour.


You lefties can protest all you like but until the labour party start to appease the real working classes and stops targeting the students the unemployed and the 'minorities' then you best get used to being the opposition party. That at least will suit you though as you can continue to slag off the Tories policies without putting across some workable ones of your own.


..... also, the sooner that you accept that those with different views to yourselves are not all racists the better, especially when this new labour crowd seem to be behaving more like racists than the so called right wingers!


But people who effectively say that Asian votes don't really count are probably racist. Just saying...

Edited by sgtkate
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It's the Corbynites and the vindictive frothies from the Labour left that has spoilt the Labour party, I hardly know any what you would call 'working class' people that vote Labour anymore, many of them are leaning towards UKIP !


You should widen your social circle a little.

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What I see in Corbyn is somebody offering an alternative; someone outside the world of Blairite sound bite merchants. Maybe someone in the long term who might start to offer an alternative to corporatism and globalism.


The Blairites in the Labour party want to return to business as normal asap. This includes parachuting their chums into safe working class constituencies, politics by soundbite and essentially, having no fixed position or ideology because it might get in the way of what you need to say to get elected.


What Corbyn has done is to try and introduce a greater element of democracy into the Labour party. Labour members to have more say on policies and to make it easier for members to deselect MP's. This has terrified the Blairites. For years their attitude has been "Oh, don't you worry about politics you working class chaps and chapesses, you leave that to us. We are the professionals after all, ha ha!".


Corbyn's election as leader is an outright threat to that way of life in the Labour party.


It is though a mass panic has descended on Blairites and especially their chums in the media. What if this Corbyn bloke stays in for a while, starts to get popular, wins more by elections? My God! No, they think, he has to be got rid of as soon as. Result, the risible tide of abuse flng Corbyn's way which gets more hysterical by the week.


Interesting times ahead.

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"Syrian children are very upset that pictures of them injured and covered in rubble have caused such distress to 66 pro-bombing Labour MPs.


“It’s just awful those MPs feel bullied and upset as the result of my thoughtlessness in going to the playground with my brother and sister just before the missile hit” said Ahmed, aged 11, as he wiped a tear and some bomb dust from his eye.


“I know it is no excuse, but we just wanted to play on the swings, and so didn’t even think about the possibility the precision bomb would hit the neighbouring hospital and cover us in rubble and provide a photo that would be tweeted to wavering Labour MPs.”"

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But people who effectively say that Asian votes don't really count are probably racist. Just saying...


Where do I say that Asian votes don't matter? What I clearly said is that Asian voters wouldn't vote for UKIP ..... it's funny how people like you turn everything round to being racist when it suits. I agree with many UKIP policies yes, I vote UKIP yes but I am certainly not racist, maybe you are!

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Where do I say that Asian votes don't matter? What I clearly said is that Asian voters wouldn't vote for UKIP ..... it's funny how people like you turn everything round to being racist when it suits. I agree with many UKIP policies yes, I vote UKIP yes but I am certainly not racist, maybe you are!


Does "Asians" mean people with ancestry from the continent of Asia?

I'm sure plenty of Asians by that definition are UKIP supporters. Some of them have been here for generations. Others have earned their place in our society and will resent others just walking in, acting like they own the place, and otherwise bringing immigration into disrepute, even if it's only a fraction of recent immigrants who have done so.

Others will perhaps like UKIPs economic ideology.

Edited by unbeliever
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