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Is it time UK stopped turning a blind eye to Saudi executions?

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Daesh arent a country, they are classed as a terrorist organisation.

SA arent carrying out terrorism against us, which is a wholly valid reason for why you might not approve of Daesh.


SA is carrying out terrorism on its own people, it murders gays etc...In order to have an outside voice you are implying we shouldn't unless we feel personally vulnerable?


Don't threaten us personally= do what the hell you want. As for approving of Daesh..I don't. Atrocities are atrocities, no matter which way you dress it.


Saudi are our allies, as are the US..what if Saudi attacked the US? Where do we stand?


---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 19:48 ----------


..........Peter Sutcliffe! The Paris bombers!


The Saudis would likely execute them...as well as female victims of the likes of Sutcliffe should they have survived...gets ironically complicated doesn't it.

Edited by cassity
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Ironic isn't it how SA imposes harsh draconian religious laws on it's own people (remind you of Daesh?)..especially women, while we in the West stand by with "it's their own country innit".


Seems odd that the criteria of pointing out the wrong doing of other states is a requirement of zipping it unless you personally feel threatened.


It does yes and when they try to spread their barberic religouse practices to the UK I voice my concerns, if they threatoned the UK I would voice my concerns. What do you propose the UK should do about their barbaric religouse practices?

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SA is carrying out terrorism on its own people, it murders gays etc...In order to have an outside voice you are implying we shouldn't unless we feel personally vulnerable?


Don't threaten us personally= do what the hell you want. As for approving of Daesh..I don't. Atrocities are atrocities, no matter which way you dress it.


Saudi are our allies, as are the US..what if Saudi attacked the US? Where do we stand?


---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 19:48 ----------



The Saudis would likely execute them...as well as female victims of the likes of Sutcliffe should they have survived...gets ironically complicated doesn't it.

Well the Saudis would be right at least on one count, but wrong on the other!...........so that's where we will ironically have disagree!
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SA is carrying out terrorism on its own people, it murders gays etc...In order to have an outside voice you are implying we shouldn't unless we feel personally vulnerable?


Don't threaten us personally= do what the hell you want. As for approving of Daesh..I don't. Atrocities are atrocities, no matter which way you dress it.


Saudi are our allies, as are the US..what if Saudi attacked the US? Where do we stand?


---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 19:48 ----------



The Saudis would likely execute them...as well as female victims of the likes of Sutcliffe should they have survived...gets ironically complicated doesn't it.


No they don't, they have laws which are differnt to our laws and they have punishments which are differnt to our punishments, do you think we should impose our laws on the world. We should look after the interests of the UK and let them look after their own interests, if their population disaproves of their laws they should do something about them.

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It does yes and when they try to spread their barberic religouse practices to the UK I voice my concerns, if they threatoned the UK I would voice my concerns. What do you propose the UK should do about their barbaric religouse practices?


On principle and you personally, would you buy a car from a child abuser or a rabid homophobic in this country? Are your moral principals defined by your borders?

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On principle and you personally, would you buy a car from a child abuser or a rabid homophobic in this country? Are your moral principals defined by your borders?


Did you worry about Chinese executions or forced live organ donations or any of the other horrors committed by that state when you bought your computer built by a Chinese state company that you typed your message on, or do you have flexible morals principles when it comes to something that YOU want.

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On principle and you personally, would you buy a car from a child abuser or a rabid homophobic in this country? Are your moral principals defined by your borders?


Apart from the low countries and Spain the entire EU has either 14 or 15 as the age of consent. Should we botcott them for kiddy fiddling because their law isn't the same as ours?

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Did you worry about Chinese executions or forced live organ donations or any of the other horrors committed by that state when you bought your computer built by a Chinese state company that you typed your message on, or do you have flexible morals principles when it comes to something that YOU want.


It isn't about what "I" want you moron..it's about what we all should want as a global community..."It's their country innit" is about as creative as the morons who instill religious dogma on others. The likes of you just perpetuate the status quo.

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