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Is it time UK stopped turning a blind eye to Saudi executions?

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It isn't about what "I" want you moron..it's about what we all should want as a global community..."It's their country innit" is about as creative as the morons who instill religious dogma on others. The likes of you just perpetuate the status quo.


We're pointing out your flexible morals but you are getting very upset about it.


You seem to have a problem with Saudi but not with China so you could just explain yourself. It looks like you have a simple case of do as I say not as I do.

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You forgot about the Chinese one child law that condemned millions of baby girls to death.


Millions of baby girls were not condemned to death by the State. 'Millions' of girls died at the hands of their parents due to the programme. Big moral difference.


If the UK passed a similar one child law would you murder your child on the proviso..hey. it's the programme innit!?

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On principle and you personally, would you buy a car from a child abuser or a rabid homophobic in this country? Are your moral principals defined by your borders?


What does that have to do with SA?


---------- Post added 04-12-2015 at 20:33 ----------


So legally killing someone because of their gender isn't a terror act?


For argument sake...if you were gay would you openly visit SA?


I wouldn't visit SA full stop, but its their country, their religion and its not out place to tell them how to govern their own country.

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We're pointing out your flexible morals but you are getting very upset about it.


You're pointing out nothing, you don't have the intellect.


You seem to have a problem with Saudi but not with China so you could just explain yourself. It looks like you have a simple case of do as I say not as I do.


Well as the thread is about Saudi maybe you should start a thread about China...duh!

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It isn't about what "I" want you moron..it's about what we all should want as a global community..."It's their country innit" is about as creative as the morons who instill religious dogma on others. The likes of you just perpetuate the status quo.


Everyone doesn't want the same and they especially don't want people like you telling them how to act in their own country.

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It isn't about what "I" want you moron..it's about what we all should want as a global community..."It's their country innit" is about as creative as the morons who instill religious dogma on others. The likes of you just perpetuate the status quo.


The problem is everyone wants different things and we don't get to define 'what we all should want'. As much as executing 'witches' seems utterly insane to us to protect by law insulting islam probably seems insane to them. I believe western values are superior on any rational basic but much of the world is in thrall to religous and cultural traditions which lead to very different views on what is right and just. Just saying we are right and they are wrong won't change that.

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Everyone doesn't want the same and they especially don't want people like you telling them how to act in their own country.


Then why the hell do you have such negativity towards SA by refusing even to visit it? Your actions alone are a direct criticism of how they behave.

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The problem is everyone wants different things and we don't get to define 'what we all should want'. As much as executing 'witches' seems utterly insane to us to protect by law insulting islam probably seems insane to them. I believe western values are superior on any rational basic but much of the world is in thrall to religous and cultural traditions which lead to very different views on what is right and just. Just saying we are right and they are wrong won't change that.


Just saying nothing and capitulating is even worse.

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