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Gets Right Up My Nose !

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Returning home tonight ( 4th Dec 2015 ) at 4-30pm after a food shopping trip with my wife to Sainsbury's on Archer Road, travelling in the direction of Abbeydale Road.........


Numerous cars with no lights on, faulty front / faulty rear lights, spotlamps on, full headlamps.


Once upon a time, it was an offence to drive a vehicle with faulty lights, as was driving a vehicle with spotlamps on when not needed - what's happened to the police in pulling these people up and issuing a fine ?


Then there the drivers who drive with full headlamps on......totally inconsiderate and oblivious of other drivers on the road whom they dazzle.


These people should read the Highway Code and go on a driver awareness course....better still get them off the road altogether - they get right up my nose !

My headlights are that bright a lot of people think I've got full beam on when I fact I don't ,perhaps the drivers you've seen might be in same situation and don't have full beam on

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What I would like to know is why are there so many French cars with the indicators which are not visible from the front of the car?

I'm sure they were never like this before.


Several times recently I have seen a car waiting at the side of the road, I am driving along the main road approaching from their left hand side and I don't know whether to let them in or not because they just look like they are waiting.

Then as I get level and start to go past (so it is too late to let them in) I see that they are indicating to turn right.


You can't see the sodding indicators until it is too late to know that they are winking. How has this awful design of car front ends been allowed approval it is dangerous and stupid !

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Rowland don't recall seeing your answer to the question but you're quick to ask kidley for his? He give 6 you gave 0, strange.


I answered the question fully enough brake lights certainly aren't in my top ten nor are Kidleys top six.

We seem to have different priorities and none in this thread are very high on mine.

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Meanwhile people are being killed all over the world by terrorists and wars.

I bet all they wished they had needed to stress about was a few brake lights.

Get a grip.


Could you list 1 - 10 one being the highest/ your list of concerns?


I can assure you Brake lights wouldn't be included.


Now could you answer your own question yourself?


I answered the question fully enough brake lights certainly aren't in my top ten nor are Kidleys top six.

We seem to have different priorities and none in this thread are very high on mine.



Well, Well, cant seem to find your concerns rowlolad,

once again i will ask what are your concerns 1 - 10 or even 1 - 6? or can your show me where you have posted them?

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Well, Well, cant seem to find your concerns rowlolad,

once again i will ask what are your concerns 1 - 10 or even 1 - 6? or can your show me where you have posted them?


My top 6 concerns have nothing to do with any posted on this thread and are none of your business.

You ate a very lucky person if your top 6 concerns in your life are people lights on their cars, I do suspect that may not be the case though.

Now who's trolling?.

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My top 6 concerns have nothing to do with any posted on this thread and are none of your business.

You ate a very lucky person if your top 6 concerns in your life are people lights on their cars, I do suspect that may not be the case though.

Now who's trolling?.


YOU whats this got to do with the O.P

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YOU whats this got to do with the O.P


I'm not the one stalking someone repeating questions.

You've got my answer but you can't seem to be able to deal with it.

None of your top 6 concerns in your life reflect mine and what they are is none of your business.

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