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Trout or Salmon parr


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Hi guys was amazed yesterday when l walked over Hillsborough bridge l saw either sea trout or salmon trying to get up the wier !! Is this usual or a rare occurrence ?

Lived here 7 years never seen it before

Used to be a barbel angler but health stops me from fishing now so it's a case of watching instead of catching lol.

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I reckon it's unusual for Parr to travel up a weir, are you sure they were not just shoaled up there or did you see them trying to get up.

I would have thought Salmon would spawn higher up the river than where you mention but that's only a guess.

Email the Environment agency for a more reliable answer they would help, they would also appreciate the information.

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Let us know when you get a reply Mooks.

Too right Alf it is great news for the river regardless what species.

Don't know how big the fish need to be to return to spawn but if they were going up the weir I can see no other reason.


Unless of course they were getting away from the little owls.:hihi:

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True Mr Hinks the Don is a little gem, I have spent many happy hours fishing it from Attercliffe up to Hillsborough & caught roach, perch, trout, grayling, chub&also had the pleasure of seeing kingfishers flashing past in their glorious colours. What a resurgence the river has had over recent years&it is a far cry from the flowing sewer it used to be.

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Plenty of trout from hillsbourough up to outibridge, never caught a salmon on this stretch but wouldn't rule them out being there. River don,s totally changed from years gone by there's plenty of fish in ther and through beely woods at back of the works there's some big , big carp !! Could do with raising a few weirs to raise water levels and pegging out to get more anglers fishing= more food in water = more fish

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Most understand that parr are young fish, that's why I Asked if they were shoaled below the weir.


Alf I too used to spend a lot of time on the river when I was fit nowadays I need flat safe banks.

I used to spend a lot of time in just two areas either Beeley wood or Effingham road close to Washford bridge. Unfortunately for me the river is getting better as I get worse.

Just like Mooks though I don't fish there now it still holds interest for me.

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