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Shall we send the SWP to Syria

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So the SWP lot are now protesting about the Syrian bombings. They suggest we should find a diplomatic solution.




Now I dont know much about ISIS or IS or whatever the latest acceptable name for them is. However I dont think they are too keen on diplomacy given their past form.


So maybe if we sent the SWP out there to negotiate with them they would understand what the rest of us see here. That they cannot be negotiated with and a military solution is the only way forward.


So instead of causing chaos in the city centre why dont they do something useful like go out there and negotiate. I suspect that they wont as they know what will happen if they do.

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So the SWP lot are now protesting about the Syrian bombings. They suggest we should find a diplomatic solution.




Now I dont know much about ISIS or IS or whatever the latest acceptable name for them is. However I dont think they are too keen on diplomacy given their past form.


So maybe if we sent the SWP out there to negotiate with them they would understand what the rest of us see here. That they cannot be negotiated with and a military solution is the only way forward.


So instead of causing chaos in the city centre why dont they do something useful like go out there and negotiate. I suspect that they wont as they know what will happen if they do.


So if someone is for diplomacy, you say they should go and do it themselves? As you seem to be for military action, should you ho and fight yourself?


Or am I correct in assuming you will be applying a healthy dose of double standards?

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As you seem to be for military action, should you ho and fight yourself?


I do love seeing this quote.


Just remind me what do people in the armed forces get paid for again? What is their job?


Face facts. ISIL / ISIS / Daesh (whatever we call them) are not a Political Party or Force. Unlike organisations such as the IRA they are not under any sort of formal mandate or command. They are not working for any recognised state or political allegiance.


You cannot negotiate with a terrorist organisations controlled by absolute sociopaths and operated with brainwashed pilgrims who will do as told to fight their "cause".


This is not a decision which has been taken lightly as is shown with the hours of debate and weeks of behind the scenes information and evidence gathering.


The armed forces are paid to serve under government command and protect the nation. This is part of that. Making all and any attempts to either delay/postpone/destroy or cease all or any parts of this terrorist group.


Im sure the people of Paris would not give a toss if only a wooden hut was destroyed in this operation - If it went even an inch to slowing down ISIS' next plan.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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So the SWP lot are now protesting about the Syrian bombings. They suggest we should find a diplomatic solution.




Now I dont know much about ISIS or IS or whatever the latest acceptable name for them is. However I dont think they are too keen on diplomacy given their past form.




So. You have started a thread about a subject that you know little about, by your own admission. And, you expect us all to engage seriously with you?


You are a troll, really. You keep on starting these silly threads, with minimal prior knowledge, or understanding. You are just looking for a reaction.


I have a constructive criticism for you. Instead of starting hare-brained threads on here, go and take an evening class. Learn some critical thinking, and perhaps the correct use of the apostrophe:rolleyes:

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So. You have started a thread about a subject that you know little about, by your own admission. And, you expect us all to engage seriously with you?


You are a troll, really. You keep on starting these silly threads, with minimal prior knowledge, or understanding. You are just looking for a reaction.


I have a constructive criticism for you. Instead of starting hare-brained threads on here, go and take an evening class. Learn some critical thinking, and perhaps the correct use of the apostrophe:rolleyes:


But we all know what a bunch of left wing, raving socialist lunatics the SWP are.


I`d quite happily see the entire SWP sent to Syria on a one way ticket.

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But we all know what a bunch of left wing, raving socialist lunatics the SWP are.


I`d quite happily see the entire SWP sent to Syria on a one way ticket.


and you and your ilk hate muslims so im really happy if you lot tagged on behind ;)

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So the SWP lot are now protesting about the Syrian bombings. They suggest we should find a diplomatic solution.




Now I dont know much about ISIS or IS or whatever the latest acceptable name for them is. However I dont think they are too keen on diplomacy given their past form.


So maybe if we sent the SWP out there to negotiate with them they would understand what the rest of us see here. That they cannot be negotiated with and a military solution is the only way forward.


So instead of causing chaos in the city centre why dont they do something useful like go out there and negotiate. I suspect that they wont as they know what will happen if they do.


You admit that you understand little about the situation, and that is admirable. Perhaps instead of sending SWP (who we all know to be a bunch of fools) to negotiate with ISIS, we should perhaps send the Tory cabinet who have so happily voted to bomb, bomb, bombity bomb, the people of Syria, to lead the troops on the ground to free the Syrian people.

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