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What happens to people who can't afford their social housing?

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Correct, a few non-payers shouldn't. The fact that people see social housing as a long term solution to shelter should. People need to be able to and encouraged to provide for themselves.




I have some insider knowledge for Sheffield that I don't want to elaborate on, but the following article shows that we are not talking about a problem that is 'extremely small', many people are in arrears with their social housing payments and it is a growing problem.


In the mean-time we have people in social housing because they regard it as their right, not because they have to be, whilst people who have no alternative (handicapped, ex-prison etc.) are piled on a waiting list without any real choice or perspective.


What the country needs is a serious effort to build more (affordable) housing, housing associations are currently incredibly expensive and failing to build enough. This is related to the lack of land to build on, councils need to be encouraged to boost their own coffers by developing land they own, or have bought with the express purpose to develop it.


Link doesn't work.


THe history of council housing is that it was always intended to provide long term shelter for people. It's not supposed to be a temporary thing.


---------- Post added 07-12-2015 at 13:07 ----------


councils need to be encouraged to boost their own coffers by developing land they own, or have bought with the express purpose to develop it.


Councils aren't actually allowed to build new council housing are they?

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these days?


In past days you got nothing and had to pay your own way. These days are a lot better than those days. People like you just don't see it though, it's just more more more.


Yes, and we also had cholera.


Housing is a basic need for everyone so it makes sense that society should ensure everyone has access to decent housing.

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Is this an actual case you are going on about?


No, it's just a general question, not a specific case.


The goal posts can move for the home owner too of course, loss of employment, interest rate rises, sudden unexpected major repairs but home owners have equity, gain increase in value over time. It's different. Yes, they could end up in social housing too if they get repossessed. But that's my point, where do you go once you're in social housing and can't get by. Families shouldn't be made homeless, kids separated because the government wants to put already vulnerable people into a no win situation by changing policy which they know will destroy families.

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If people can't pay their rent, it's societies problem.


If i cant or wont pay my mortgage my house will be repossessed . If i dont pay the monthly payments on my Range Rover it will be repossessed.


Society dosnt owe anyone a living. If you cant or dont pay your rent , you lose your home.

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No, it's just a general question, not a specific case.


The goal posts can move for the home owner too of course, loss of employment, interest rate rises, sudden unexpected major repairs but home owners have equity, gain increase in value over time. It's different. Yes, they could end up in social housing too if they get repossessed. But that's my point, where do you go once you're in social housing and can't get by. Families shouldn't be made homeless, kids separated because the government wants to put already vulnerable people into a no win situation by changing policy which they know will destroy families.


The answers generated by your question illustrate to me how lucky we are to live in this great country. No one will ever be condemned to live under canvas or in some trailer park as happens in the US, the richest country in the world. No one will be forced to beg as happens throughout the third world.


Whilst life can be difficult there is always a roof over our heads and food on the table, a NHS if you are ill, a police service if you are under threat.


Count your blessings.

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Yes, and we also had cholera.


Housing is a basic need for everyone so it makes sense that society should ensure everyone has access to decent housing.


It doesn't mean they have the right to use it though.

If they refuse to pay their rent, then they should be slung out on the street.


I'm sure there's a long line of people who are willing to behave sensibly, manage their money and behave like normal adults.

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It doesn't mean they have the right to use it though.

If they refuse to pay their rent, then they should be slung out on the street.


I'm sure there's a long line of people who are willing to behave sensibly, manage their money and behave like normal adults.




Unfortunately we now have a portion of society that takes no responsibility for themselves and want breastfeeding from the state from birth to grave. As for no kids should be homeless, that's true but should you really be having kids if you can't handle the responsibility of paying the basics like rent.

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Link doesn't work.


THe history of council housing is that it was always intended to provide long term shelter for people. It's not supposed to be a temporary thing.


---------- Post added 07-12-2015 at 13:07 ----------



Councils aren't actually allowed to build new council housing are they?


Not sure what happened to that link, it worked when I checked it. It shows that at least 30% of council housing tenants in Wales are in arrears. The principle of council housing being long term shelter is fine, as long as it only applies to those who can not find accommodation of their own. Other than that it should only be used for short-term 'bridging' for those who are in urgent need.


With regards to councils not being allowed to build, that is a huge issue. Westminster is keen on devolving all sorts of issues it is keen to lose responsibility for, but this issue is one that really should be devolved. Councils are the ones who know what can be done where, what has to be done for whom. Hopefully (I am not certain) this new Sheffield City Region can fix things.

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But the council evicted them in the first place, for non payment, so I wonder how it can make sense to spend the cost of eviction which must be a lot, legal costs, staffing, void periods etc, and then put the family up in probably just as expensive if not more so emergency accommodation. I think it's wrong on all fronts. A family who can't afford social housing clearly needs help not evicting. I don't get it. It doesn't sit well. It's cruel.


It takes a long time to evict a person from social housing especially if there are children in the household.


Speak to the housing officers and tell them everything.

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Can you provide evidence or a link to this 'minority' who claim it breaches their human rights? :suspect::confused::huh:


Can you go back and answer the hundreds of questions that you avoid in here before asking others to do the same?




Just watch those trash TV things on Channel 4 and 5. Alternatively there were these claims on This is Tottenham the other day. Now that WAS trash, I can't believe it was on the BBC :roll:


Yes, and we also had cholera.


meaning what?


I said

These days are a lot better than those days




Housing is a basic need for everyone so it makes sense that society should ensure everyone has access to decent housing.


Who said it wasn't a basic need, and why quote me about decent housing? I mentioned neither of those.


Try reading what I wrote again, and what I quoted.

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