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MP sends death threat. To herself.

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In the wake of the recent Syria vote in the HoC, some MPs have been getting threatening letters and emails - That is unacceptable. Protest yes, threatening to the person or their family, no.


However, one MP, Lucy Allan has been caught out doctoring an email from an angry constituent, by adding 'unless you die' to the original email. :loopy:




Could the MP be prosecuted under the Malicious Communications Act?

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In the wake of the recent Syria vote in the HoC, some MPs have been getting threatening letters and emails - That is unacceptable. Protest yes, threatening to the person or their family, no.


However, one MP, Lucy Allan has been caught out doctoring an email from an angry constituent, by adding 'unless you die' to the original email. :loopy:




Could the MP be prosecuted under the Malicious Communications Act?


Foolish lady :shakes:

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possibly s.127 Communications act 2003


but if it has been added after it was sent it was not a message actually "sent" -




If true - rather silly


What does 'sent' mean. Could that include a message posted on social media. I expect it could.


Threat to kill is a serious thing to allege of another person.

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What Corbyn and McDonell didn't realise, is that it is the exact reversal of the 2003 Iraq business and that this time, just about all of our European allies want to dock it to ISIS in Syria. Had parliament voted against then it would have been the UK on its own in Europe again. But then those two have got a soft spot for Assad. Thirty years ago when Syra under a different Assad was a Soviet client state, they used to cheer for it - and old habits, die hard.

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