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MP sends death threat. To herself.

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Lucy Elizabeth Allan is a Conservative Party British politician, current Member of Parliament (MP) for Telford, and a family rights campaigner. Following a high profile media campaign, based on her own family's experience, she founded Family First Group,[1] a lobby group which campaigns to reduce the number of children in state care, for improvements to the UK child protection system and support for families affected by it.[2] She was a Councillor[3] in the London Borough of Wandsworth from 2006-12.[4] In March 2013, she was selected as the Conservative Party parliamentary candidate to contest the constituency of Telford at the 2015 General Election.[5]


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What Corbyn and McDonell didn't realise, is that it is the exact reversal of the 2003 Iraq business and that this time, just about all of our European allies want to dock it to ISIS in Syria. Had parliament voted against then it would have been the UK on its own in Europe again.



Impressive rant against Labout but as already pointed out its a Conservative MP.


Only the UK and France have provided planes to dock it to Isis in Syria, so your claim that they would have been on its own had they decided not to vote for airstrikes is manifestly false.

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Only the UK and France have provided planes to dock it to Isis in Syria, so your claim that they would have been on its own had they decided not to vote for airstrikes is manifestly false.
Germany is sending ground troops (Bundestag-approved last week), if you did not already know.


After France, Germany and the UK, that doesn't leave a whole lot in the EU to go meddle over there.

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Oh Dear politicians, never have we been so badly served.


Once you get beyond Cameron, who will go down in history as a great PM also Osborne who is a great Chancellor, there is a dearth of talent.


This silly woman is typical of the self seeking egotistic plonkers who we elect election after election.


The Labour front bench is packed with has beens never wasses and never will bes. Tragic.

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Oh Dear politicians, never have we been so badly served.


Once you get beyond Cameron, who will go down in history as a great PM also Osborne who is a great Chancellor, there is a dearth of talent.


This silly woman is typical of the self seeking egotistic plonkers who we elect election after election.


The Labour front bench is packed with has beens never wasses and never will bes. Tragic.


You know shes a Tory right?

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You know shes a Tory right?


I do, idiocy is not entirely a leftist fault.


Tories dont usually do daft things, they used to have a definite propensity for sexual malfeasance. Spanking, prostitutes, that sort of thing.


Lib Dems have always had a hankering for illicit gay relationships, lots of Tommy Two ways if you follow.


The sons of industry in the Labour party have usually just been corrupt.


Seems like this Tory lady is a genuine crossbencher just plain stupid.

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Germany is sending ground troops (Bundestag-approved last week), if you did not already know.


After France, Germany and the UK, that doesn't leave a whole lot in the EU to go meddle over there.


Yes I was aware, but its a non combat role, so they wont be docking it to ISIS.

The claim was ny not getting involved in air strikes it would have left the UK on its own in Europe again, which is rubbish, because the only other European country engaging in air strikes on ISIS in Syria is France.

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Seems like this Tory lady is a genuine crossbencher just plain stupid.


I don't think she's just plain stupid. I think she is manipulative and dangerous and we are lucky she is so stupid. She was clearly trying to use the current heightened tensions around the Syria bombing to further her own agenda. In fact she isn't really stupid or manipulative at all, she is just simply a politician.

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