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Tory corruption. Has the rot set in

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Trouble with the top end of the Tories is that they are such an elite bunch that they all know each other and move in the same circles. Most of them come from wealthy, business orientated families with contacts and connections, so it must be tempting, when it comes to awarding contracts, to use companies that they have links to. Getting value for money, competence to do the job etc doesn't come into it, which is why so many things seem to go t*** up.


Especially now, when many services are being privatised and being bought by the same few rich people. Basically other companies don't get a look in. No wonder they are so keen to privatise everything in sight.


It stinks. And that's before we even start with the Masonic links etc, or charmers like Mark Clarke in the party.

What do you think of black people?

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Are the Tories on their way already?

He's part of a government advisory board, not an MP or Councillor.


The kind of sleaze you mention tends to crop up aftrer a really long time in office (John Major's government at the end of an 18 period of Conservative rule; Tony Blair's government after 3 election victories).


Early days yet.

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You're quick to point out the Tory tabloids (without giving any examples I note) so you should by virtue of deduction be able to highlight those that are not.


Quick, but not as quick as you were at pointing out the Labour supporting newspaper.

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Corruption in politics has been boing on as long as there's been M.P.s they've thieved millions over the years, it's only now that they are being brought to book. Why should they claim expenses for TVs, carpets, furniture, home improvements, I could cite more, I work and my expenses come out of my meagre pay, there's no bottomless pot of expense money for me.

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