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Britain should no longer be a Christian country.

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I can understand how the people living at a particular locale on planet earth; that corresponds with an area we thing of as being a country; may act and thing certain things. However, how can something that is only an abstraction or paradigm (Britain) act or think or do anything?


The whole premise of the OP is a joke.

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I find the reporting on this (in most papers not just the telegraph) very odd. Its presented as some kind of official commision when its just some interfaith group that have taken it upon themselves to do a report on something nobody asked them for their opinion on.

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suggests that the compulsory daily act of worship in school assemblies should be abolished and replaced with a "time for reflection".


If she knew anything about religion in schools she'd know that the daily "acts of worship" are usually quiet moments to think about those lost in things like WW1, the Paris attacks, or the mass shootings in America (a weekly occurrence)

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If she knew anything about religion in schools she'd know that the daily "acts of worship" are usually quiet moments to think about those lost in things like WW1, the Paris attacks, or the mass shootings in America (a weekly occurrence)


But they shouldn't be called prayers or anything religious. If you are religious and wish to pray to whatever God in that time then carry on, but to have time for 'acts of worship' is absurd. If you want to follow a religion then it should be treated as a hobby and done in your own time.


Also remove all Bishops etc from the House of Lords unless they are their on merit for other reasons. Simply being a senior figure in a Church should not be entitlement alone. In fact, just remove the HOL.

Edited by sgtkate
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Let's hope the day never comes when Islam has any sort of 'official' voice in the running of and law making of this county, or anywhere else in Europe, or the Western world generally. It has too much influence already. Such an oppressive and repressive religion has no place in the West. The Christians are bad enough, the other would really be the thick end of the wedge.

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Not one of the residents in a nearby village to me, of several hundred inhabitants, attends the local C of E church. The tiny congregation consists of ex-residents. I believe the same is true of the Methodist chapel there. I suspect that it is a very long time since the majority of the population of the UK have attended church on a regular basis.

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But they shouldn't be called prayers or anything religious. If you are religious and wish to pray to whatever God in that time then carry on, but to have time for 'acts of worship' is absurd. If you want to follow a religion then it should be treated as a hobby and done in your own time.


Also remove all Bishops etc from the House of Lords unless they are their on merit for other reasons. Simply being a senior figure in a Church should not be entitlement alone. In fact, just remove the HOL.


Re bib. The whole method of choosing members of the House of Lords needs sorting. It was a poor show by Tony Blair's government to start changing the system, but kicking the resolution into the long grass. Getting rid of a lot of hereditary peers was OK, but leaving a gap just enables further use of patronage by successive governments. But that's for another thread.


But as far as Bishops (or representatives of any religion) getting into the House of Lords, as of right, is concerned, this should certainly go. If the Bishop has something to offer to the Lords, then we should find a way to get him there on merit. The current system should go,

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