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Britain should no longer be a Christian country.

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I believe the bibles promise for the earth


The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”Psalm 37:29



Why do you believe it?


There's no evidence to back it up and it's a rather fantastic claim.

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I believe the bibles promise for the earth


The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.”Psalm 37:29

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. Psalm 137:9 :|

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Who are the righteous?


Interesting question. Who do you think should judge?


It's one of those perennial problems. Those whose job it is to do it, like judges, police, lawmakers, those in authority, are proving to be as flawed as the rest of us, and often innept.


We can all judge ourselves I suppose, but what is the common standard that we all agree on? What's right in one society is sometimes wrong in another. How come to murder one person is wrong, but to murder thousands is politics? Are the righteous simply those who are fortunate enough to have managed to keep out of trouble? The questions are endless.


Really, the only entity which is qualified to judge us, would have to be a higher authority who can see into our hearts, know our motives and know our secrets.


'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'

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I'm not a religious person, but I do believe there is more to the world than we can see, - a spiritual dimension for want of better language. Totally non-denominational.


I can't prove anything, and it's no good quoting Bible verses at me, (I think there are far too many people arguing over that already,) I think religion and theological arguments, while very interesting to discuss, have caused a great deal of harm in the world by powerful 'religious' people insisting that only their interpretation is the correct one. (Where is their humility?) But that is man's doing, not God's.


But still I believe in something - it's called faith. I can't see why that choice would upset anybody. I have no problem with anyone who thinks differently, so why do some of them have such a problem with people like me?


The kind of language that is used sometimes is very insulting. However if we do have to have a National religion, (and I think we do) then I too think it should be our benign, 'wishy-washy' all encompassing Church of England. And when Prince Charles is crowned King, (don't get me started,) he has said that he wants to be the 'Defender of Faiths' rather than 'Defender of the Faith' which I think is a satisfactory and totally British compromise.

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Secularism hasn't saved Turkey. Although it was brought in very deliberately for all the right reasons by Attaturk back in the 1920's and is enshrined in law and the political system, it's now gone into reverse and is going back to more fundamentalist Islamic views, again not welcomed or voted for by the majority, but happening countrywide nonetheless.


Would having a stronger Christian influence save Turkey then? I really can't see that sitting well with the massively dominant Islamic society.


Attaturk was wise in so many ways, but as others have pointed out, it was essentially imposed as a diktat. I suspect that the majority muslim population weren't that bothered because on the whole, there was nobody else really competing with them.


The world really, really needs less religious mumbo jumbo, not more of it.

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