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Britain should no longer be a Christian country.

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What I mean is that if by secularism we see it remove all influence on how society is run, then what difference is this to religious fundamentals who wish to impose their views and beliefs on people.


There you have it folks!


According to our religious friend here, liberal secularism is the same as fundamentalist theocracy.


That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on this forum, be proud.


Can nobody answer his daring question?


Just what is the difference between infidel-beheading fundamentalists like ISIS and liberals like me who want Bishops out of the house of lords and no faith schools. We're pretty much the same thing!

Edited by flamingjimmy
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church building may be shut but small groups of us meet in rented rooms throughout the city , Church building aren't church the true church is people.

My own children are highly educated , none of them have ever been forced into believing what the parents believe !! they have made their own choices to follow Jesus Our government presently favours some of the Sharia law


---------- Post added 08-12-2015 at 15:20 ----------



you can study all that and not have a faith in God .


Of course your kids have been influenced by you,a minority of kids are.The smart ones know religion is a con.Don't forget one pair of hands can do more than a thousand praying.

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Of course your kids have been influenced by you,a minority of kids are.The smart ones know religion is a con.Don't forget one pair of hands can do more than a thousand praying.


My eldest child has a PHD in law , the second is teaching abroad , my third on ha studying a masters in English and journalism and is in line for 1st my 4th has just begun his medical degree none of them went to church with us in their teens but all have begun attending church when they left home , 2 of them attend the catholic church and the other evangelical church . We never forced our children to attend church , We also pray as well as do mission both here in the Uk and Bulawayo Zimbabwe

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My eldest child has a PHD in law , the second is teaching abroad , my third on ha studying a masters in English and journalism and is in line for 1st my 4th has just begun his medical degree none of them went to church with us in their teens but all have begun attending church when they left home , 2 of them attend the catholic church and the other evangelical church . We never forced our children to attend church , We also pray as well as do mission both here in the Uk and Bulawayo Zimbabwe


But surely being your children's mother, you'd have had an influence on their lives!

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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But surely being your children's mother, you'd have had an influence on their lives!


yes we do have influence but we have never forced our children to attend church , they chose not to be part of church during teenage years but in young adulthood have returned because we didn't push them to believe , we encouraged them to make their own choices


---------- Post added 08-12-2015 at 16:49 ----------


Half a century ago England was a Christian country (albeit of the Anglican variety, mostly). It was at one time taken for granted that people were Christians here. Not only that, but it was understood — because it did not have to be stated — that this was a country whose culture, morals and outlook had been formed by the Christian faith.


This country bent over backwards to be welcoming and tolerant towards those who came here from the 1960s onwards who were not Christian, and, indeed, for the most part, Moslem. At the same time, we saw a growth in secularism, materialism, modernism, and the dilution of the Christian foundations of the British society.


Only recently has it become apparent that the Christian faith here needs defending, but such has been the progress of those elements in society which oppose it that views which were the norm only thirty or forty years ago are now condemned as rabidly reactionary.


prince Charles is supposed to be the protector of the faith

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There you have it folks!


According to our religious friend here, liberal secularism is the same as fundamentalist theocracy.


That's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on this forum, be proud.


Can nobody answer his daring question?


Just what is the difference between infidel-beheading fundamentalists like ISIS and liberals like me who want Bishops out of the house of lords and no faith schools. We're pretty much the same thing!


May be no one else read in to it like you have and added your on take on it.


I was not even comparing in such a way- if you are going to go to the length of comparing this view to ISIS:loopy:


It was pretty much a statement that you can have bad secularism- where a government can impose its view on people indefinitely.


If I had to spend time on this and go in to detail, I would be refereing to like of worldviews held by Lenin/Stalin- who did subject people of religion to oppression.


Under such a secularist view- where do you draw the moral line? Under such a liberalist view, might is right.


I don't want to live under such a rule and neither do most people I know.

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My eldest child has a PHD in law , the second is teaching abroad , my third on ha studying a masters in English and journalism and is in line for 1st my 4th has just begun his medical degree none of them went to church with us in their teens but all have begun attending church when they left home , 2 of them attend the catholic church and the other evangelical church . We never forced our children to attend church , We also pray as well as do mission both here in the Uk and Bulawayo Zimbabwe[/Q

Intelligence is good with some common sense added,your mission is part of indoctrination,same as your kids.I was subjected to religion but soon realised it for the con it is.The sooner the bishops are booted out of the lords the better.This country is fast becoming godless.The influx of Africans and the muslim countries has added to the faithful,the numbers would be a lot less if it wasn't so.Prayer never has results and its rubbish to think otherwise,but you put all the good things that happen down to god,the bad things down to mankind.No doubt I am due another sermon from the babble.

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Half a century ago England was a Christian country (albeit of the Anglican variety, mostly). It was at one time taken for granted that people were Christians here. Not only that, but it was understood — because it did not have to be stated — that this was a country whose culture, morals and outlook had been formed by the Christian faith.


This country bent over backwards to be welcoming and tolerant towards those who came here from the 1960s onwards who were not Christian, and, indeed, for the most part, Moslem. At the same time, we saw a growth in secularism, materialism, modernism, and the dilution of the Christian foundations of the British society.


Only recently has it become apparent that the Christian faith here needs defending, but such has been the progress of those elements in society which oppose it that views which were the norm only thirty or forty years ago are now condemned as rabidly reactionary.


50 years ago not going to church would mark someone out as morally questionable as would not adhering to 'Christian' principles. I'm an atheist despite being brought up CofE, our lass is an atheist Jew and we have no intention of getting married so in the 'good old days' we'd be marked out as immoral deviants despite us paying our taxes and contributing to society in many ways. Christianity has declined because the stigma of pointing out that like all religions its patent nonsense has declined, not because its 'under attack'.

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I remember 1965 quite well & I can honestly say that nobody I knew, even slightly, was a churchgoer. Even then the majority of the people did not go to church. There was never a point in modern times when churches could physically accomodate more than a small fraction of the population; there simply wasn't the demand.

Does anyone remember a series entitled "the Christians"? It was shown in the 1970s & was presented by Bamber Gascoigne. Apparently there was a survey of churchgoing habits conducted in the mid 1800s. The survey concentrated on the church that stands next to Hyde Park flats in Sheffield. The results caused a sensation because 48% of parishioners attended church regularly. It was a sensation because the figure was so low! I can only conclude that the majority of the population were indeed regular churchgoers. Fast forward to 1965 & the picture was completely different.

By the way, does anyone remember the rumours that Bamber Gascoigne had Sheffield connections? Seemed a bit unlikely to me.

Edited by fatrajah
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50 years ago not going to church would mark someone out as morally questionable as would not adhering to 'Christian' principles. I'm an atheist despite being brought up CofE, our lass is an atheist Jew and we have no intention of getting married so in the 'good old days' we'd be marked out as immoral deviants despite us paying our taxes and contributing to society in many ways. Christianity has declined because the stigma of pointing out that like all religions its patent nonsense has declined, not because its 'under attack'.


Lidia fellowship are always present , praying when government sits they intercessing for our government


---------- Post added 08-12-2015 at 19:48 ----------


My eldest child has a PHD in law , the second is teaching abroad , my third on ha studying a masters in English and journalism and is in line for 1st my 4th has just begun his medical degree none of them went to church with us in their teens but all have begun attending church when they left home , 2 of them attend the catholic church and the other evangelical church . We never forced our children to attend church , We also pray as well as do mission both here in the Uk and Bulawayo Zimbabwe[/Q

Intelligence is good with some common sense added,your mission is part of indoctrination,same as your kids.I was subjected to religion but soon realised it for the con it is.The sooner the bishops are booted out of the lords the better.This country is fast becoming godless.The influx of Africans and the muslim countries has added to the faithful,the numbers would be a lot less if it wasn't so.Prayer never has results and its rubbish to think otherwise,but you put all the good things that happen down to god,the bad things down to mankind.No doubt I am due another sermon from the babble.


Why are you so angered by Christian truths ? What mades you feel faith is a con ?

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