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Problem with neighbours dog

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Put a decent fence between you and your neighbour. Problem solved.


We can't afford a fence,and the neighbours arn't even bothered about helping!So what am I to do?


---------- Post added 07-12-2015 at 20:31 ----------


Its not really a big issue, the council may drag their heals. Just sort out the hedge, so the dog cannot get through. What size/type of dog is it?


It's a medium odd eyed white with dark patches,not sure what breed,might be mongrel! Always go's for my cat,I'm scared for him!

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Monkeys post is good.


OP please be aware neighbour disputes are some of the most insolveable and stressful ones, so if possible you need to aboid getting into a really serious one because they will still be your neighbours and it could last years.


It seems like your relationship is not great as it is so tread carefully. Have a word with the animal control team at https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/environment/environmental-health/animals/contact.html.


Consider talking and trying to resolve things amicably. (Might have tried that) is there a 3rd part who they might listen to? Is the husband more approachable?


Maybe offer to go halves on a fence?


Once you start involving 3rd parties people entrench and things become bitter, becayse they start to apportion balme and get resentful rather than being practical and wanting to sort the issue out.


You might wnat to consider mediation, but as you are both owners then it wont be free.


Tread carefully because things can get worse. Imo id just agree to get a fence and see if they will pay half. Ive helped resolve such issues before an it is possible that once both partues have calmed down things can be resolved.


I have sent a compliant to the link you gave me,thank you for your help!

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As a dog owner I also hate cat crap in the garden you have the odd dog turd live with it.


Ignore this OP.


If you own a dog you are required to control them by law. Cat owners are not able to control a cats were abouts. You don't have to live with it.


Report the dog to the council animal wardens.

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Hello not sure if this is the right place for this thread,but any way I have a problem with my next door neighbours dog,it keeps coming onto my garden,chasing my cat and having a dump. The owners don't seem to be bothered about it,every time I see it and go outside to shoo it off she has a go at me,they won't put any fencing up to stop it,there is only bushes and trees there and gaps so it gets through. I have tried blocking the gaps but it always seems to get in,she knows it comes onto our garden but dos nothing to stop it,all she says is "So your scanky cat comes on to our garden" like I can stop that from happening,I mean loads of cats in the area come onto mine and hers so I can't help that.But any why she said "Well get a fence up then,I said er, your dog you should be doing that. So is there any where I can go for help :confused: There our own houses semi detached!


As a dog owner I make it my responsibility to ensure my garden is secure and they cannot get out.. I would be mortified if either of my dogs got onto my neighbours garden and did their 'business'.. However, the law in this country does not stop irresponsible idiots from owning dogs and that's when you get problems like this.


Is it not possible to go and talk to your neighbour and explain that you fear the dog may have hold of one of your cats and to consider going halves on having a new fence put in place? I know it's not ideal and you shouldn't be out of pocket but it maybe the only option and if it means a quiet life going forward then maybe it will be worth the expense.


If you can't afford a new fence then maybe you could post an add on here asking for any old fencing someone maybe getting rid of - I've literally just disposed of 11 fence panels and there was nothing wrong with them, I just fancied a change and I'd have gladly have given them to someone who wanted them if I'd have known so there must be someone else on here who can do that!

Edited by Chelle-82
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I had a similar problem last year:


You can report it to Environmental Health, they seemed very interested when I called them.

Eventually my problem sorted itself out when I left the excrement in the shared alleyway.

Someone must have reported it, because it stopped, and I heard the neighbour (who would never say anything to my face) muttering something about 'she'll report you' :hihi:

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