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Big Lorry went through a red light on Penistone Rd

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Definitely buy a dash cam shoo.


This one is excellent


(you don't need to buy the mount that it recommends on Amazon, you get one with it, albeit a cheaper one)


Well talking of trucks and Penistone Road... look at this for a lucky escape for me earlier today!


The lights changed and the entrance to Livesey Street was blocked so I only crawled forward and saw the truck in time to brake. Of course I check when pulling out regardless of lights, but had the entrance been clear, I might not have seen it in time to stop. You can see him brake hard when he realises and he just brought it to a stop in the next lights 100 yards on.


This would have easily totalled my car, and perhaps me too :o:hihi:


youtube clip

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Well talking of trucks and Penistone Road... look at this for a lucky escape for me earlier today!


The lights changed and the entrance to Livesey Street was blocked so I only crawled forward and saw the truck in time to brake. Of course I check when pulling out regardless of lights, but had the entrance been clear, I might not have seen it in time to stop. You can see him brake hard when he realises and he just brought it to a stop in the next lights 100 yards on.


This would have easily totalled my car, and perhaps me too :o:hihi:


youtube clip


I think I could hear you clenching there. :hihi:

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Slightly off topic - but I witnessed a very near miss on Western Bank at the pelican crossing going up the hill towards the Children's Hospital.

Some idiot in a very large 4X4 in front of me thought it clever to drive at speed through the red light and had at least 5 people running for their lives. As I stopped I literally closed my eyes because I thought at least one of them would be knocked over.............. they were all very lucky.

I didn't get the reg of the vehicle as I had my eyes closed !

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We're you in a bus lane and moving out of it? Or had you just used the bus lane to pass a vehicle turning right?


On Tuesday I saw a van make a right turn out of Barkers Pool here




Nothing wrong with that.


Except he decided that Parkside Rd was a 1 way street, so he turned out whilst the car in front of me was level with him. In the same direction (up), using the wrong lane. And immediately into the path of an oncoming car!

Which managed to stop in time fortunately.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Unfortunately it happens all the time on Penistone Road. Rush hour is a nightmare with traffic light jumpers and cyclists cycling between the two lanes of traffic rather than use the cycle path or (as the Highway Code states) stick to the left. :loopy:




1) Use of cycle paths is not mandatory unless the road itself is prohibited to cycles (eg the Parkway). Especially if the path is as woefully inadequate as the one on Penistone Rd! It was improved somewhat a year or so back but it is still rife with hazards which make it unsafe to navigate at more than 10mph. Why would I take the path at 10mph when I could use the road at 20+?


2) Filtering is not illegal whether you are a cyclist or motorcyclist, although it's somewhat inadvisable for the former unless traffic is at a near standstill. Here are the rules I follow:


a) Stick to 15-20mph. You're in a confined space - any faster than this and you won't have time to react to hazards.


b) Assume no-one can see you. That said, a daytime running light helps. Acknowledge drivers who move over for you, if it is safe to take your hand off the bars!


c) Don't assume people will indicate their intentions. Look for signs like front wheels turning and unexplained gaps in traffic. Are they pausing to let an oncoming car turn right across you?


d) Don't be stranded in no-man's land with cars doing 25-30 either side of you. It puts you in a lot of danger and you won't make friends holding up traffic while you 'negotiate' your way to the left. Observe the speed of the traffic around you and learn to recognise when traffic is 'opening up'; then find a gap, check over left shoulder, signal left and move over.


e) If all of the above sounds like too much work then don't do it!



I'm all for accepting some responsibility and not riding like an idiot but drivers need to appreciate why we do the things we do and not just try to wish us out of existence!

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Rush hour is a nightmare with traffic light jumpers and cyclists cycling between the two lanes of traffic rather than use the cycle path or (as the Highway Code states) stick to the left. :loopy:


Does it? Have you ever actually read the Highway Code, or do you just assert that it says what you think it should say?

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I see it daily, branded lorries, buses, vans - all supposed professional drivers. Nobody respects red lights any more. You dare to rebuke them with lights and horn and you get abuse in return.


Like Nat says, get a cheap dash cam and send any footage to the company on the side.


Police now act on dashcam footage, as this link shows:




I think this is potentially the biggest advance in road safety in a generation.

Not only are there relatively few police cars to see (and video) dangerous driving in the first place, but the dangerous drivers are likely to be driving more sensibly if the see a car with dayglo markings and blue lights on top ! I think the police should make it as easy as possible for the public to send in footage of dangerous drivers, what have they got to lose other than having to watch it ? It cuts the cost of catching dangerous drivers hugely, in theory as more cars have dash cams (it may even become a standard feature) if it was easy enough to pass on the footage, and it was taken seriously enough by the police, it could potentially eliminate dangerous drivers from the roads completely. Hence I think the police should be encouraged to make it as easy as possible for people to pass on dash cam footage*, the police should treat it with the importance it deserves, and prosecute as often as possible. If they feel they can`t prosecute in a particular case they should still follow up the film by contacting the driver and “educating” them, plus informing them the footage will be left on file.


* One centralised website which then redistributes the video to the relevant force if they consider it actionable.

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