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Donald Trump 'Ban all Muslims from entering USA"

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I assume you can prove that there are more Christains willing to kill someone for being an athiest, than Muslims willing to kill someone for being an athiest.


I am an athiest living in a country with 33.2 million people identified as Christian, 59.3% of the population, and I feel no pressure to become a Christain, I also don't fear mocking God, the Bible, or Jesus.


If the UK became a majority Muslim country with 59.3% of the population identified as Muslim would my life be affected and would I be just as safe as I am now?


Looking around the world at countries with a Muslim majority I would say my life would be very differant and less safe.



If one million Muslims and one million Christains came to live in the UK which group do you think would cause the most problems?


You made the claim about relative numbers, I just asked if you could verify your claim, which it seems you can't. It's not up to me to disprove your numbers, or to prove something I didn't claim. The remaining points in your reply serve to show your perceived prejudices - in particular the final one...If one million Muslims and one million Christains came to live in the UK which group do you think would cause the most problems? That surely depends on if the Muslims or Christians are extremists or not doesn't it?

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That is shocking.


So it works out that in 15 years nearly twice the amount of people have been killed by guns in America, than all the American soldiers that have died during combat ever. That number being around 650 thousand.


So where is this war against Americans actually being fought?


Should they ban Americans from entering the USA, they have killed more Americans than terrorists?

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Should they ban Americans from entering the USA, they have killed more Americans than terrorists?


It seems that in the last 15 years more Americans have killed more Americans than any enemy has ever done on the battlefield combined! So if we are to Trump on America, you're right. Any American who currently lives abroad should be banned from ever reentering their country.


It's harsh, but it'll help to ensure their safety.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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You made the claim about relative numbers, I just asked if you could verify your claim, which it seems you can't. It's not up to me to disprove your numbers, or to prove something I didn't claim. The remaining points in your reply serve to show your perceived prejudices - in particular the final one...If one million Muslims and one million Christains came to live in the UK which group do you think would cause the most problems? That surely depends on if the Muslims or Christians are extremists or not doesn't it?


So you are not claiming that I am wrong then, thats good.

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This is silly.


Islam has bigger murderous zealot problem than Christianity. When you try to pretend this is not the case you discredit anything else you might say.

This is how political correctness and liberalism get bad names. Stick to the truth, you can win this argument without resorting to nonsense.


That doesn't mean we get to treat every muslim differently just because there's a remote chance they might turn out to be one of the murderous nutters. That's not reasonable and runs contrary to natural justice. Donald Trump is an authoritarian moron if he doesn't understand this and not fit to lead a small cabbage.



The USA has a murder rate of 3.8 per hundred thousand per year.

There are 120 countries in the world with a higher murder rate. Many of them predominantly muslim, most of them not.



That's not really the point though. People kill each other over all manner of things. It's quite different when people are killed in large numbers by people who don't know them, for not praying to the right gods in exactly the right way.

That practise, although it has not yet done so, has the potential to escalate to loss of life in the millions in a single day. People are quite reasonably very scared of this.


By the way. The socialist paradise of Venezuela has murder rate of 53.7 is hundred thousand per year. Yay socialism.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Edited by unbeliever
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This is silly.


Islam has bigger murderous zealot problem than Christianity. When you try to pretend this is not the case you discredit anything else you might say.

This is how political correctness and liberalism get bad names. Stick to the truth, you can win this argument without resorting to nonsense.


That doesn't mean we get to treat every muslim differently just because there's a remote chance they might turn out to be one of the murderous nutters. That's not reasonable and runs contrary to natural justice. Donald Trump is an authoritarian moron if he doesn't understand this and not fit to lead a small cabbage.



The USA has a murder rate of 3.8 per hundred thousand per year.

There are 120 countries in the world with a higher murder rate. Many of them predominantly muslim, most of them not.



That's not really the point though. People kill each other over all manner of things. It's quite different when people are killed in large numbers by people who don't know them, for not praying to the right gods in exactly the right way.

That practise, although it has not yet done so, has the potential to escalate to loss of life in the millions in a single day. People are quite reasonably very scared of this.


By the way. The socialist paradise of Venezuela has murder rate of 53.7 is hundred thousand per year. Yay socialism.

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Where in the world is the worst place to be a Christian?



Isamic countries also tend to be the worst placse for athiests, so why would an athiest want Islam to spread and become the dominant religion in the country they feel safe.


Don't you think that it's understandable that non Muslims in a Christain country would want the country to remain Christain and put policies in place to prevent the spread of Islam?

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I find it frankly incredible that someone from the Republican party hasn't told Trump to withdraw his nomination

He's racist and boorish

Openly mocks, and belittles disabled people,

said "if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her" (what a creep)

Said of Ebola patients: "Ebola patient will be brought to the U.S. in a few days — Now I know for sure that our leaders are incompetent. KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE!”


the man is an asshole

Edited by Groose
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I find it frankly incredible that someone from the Republican party hasn't told Trump to withdraw his nomination

He's racist and boorish

Openly mocks, and belittles disabled people,

said "if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her" (what a creep)

Said of Ebola patients: "Ebola patient will be brought to the U.S. in a few days — Now I know for sure that our leaders are incompetent. KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE!”


the man is an asshole


They probably have.

1. He can finance himself if need be.

2. He has a massive lead in the polls.

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I find it frankly incredible that someone from the Republican party hasn't told Trump to withdraw his nomination

He's racist and boorish

Openly mocks, and belittles disabled people,

said "if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her" (what a creep)

Said of Ebola patients: "Ebola patient will be brought to the U.S. in a few days — Now I know for sure that our leaders are incompetent. KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE!”


the man is an asshole


He's always said if the Republicans kicked him out he'd run as a third party candidate.


This would mean that the Republican vote would be split and they could rule out the Presidency in the next election. I'm guessing that they think that it's better to give him the rope to hang himself with.

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