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Donald Trump 'Ban all Muslims from entering USA"

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If boris Johnson thinks you're a nut case you really are a nut case.


It's like a unfiltered stream of consciousness from a facist nutter. With a squirrel stapled to his head.


He's sill in the lead by a long way for his nomination though and has stood out so far.

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God damn right they are. But if they have a passport then they clearly ain't no American and if they ain't American they are probably a muslamic or a commie so we just open a can of whoop ass on any muslamic commie who tries sneaking in with one of these gay marriage loving, gun controlling, Jesus hating so called 'passports'!


Yeeeee har!

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Has America got a problem with fundamental Muslims infiltrating their society?


---------- Post added 08-12-2015 at 17:59 ----------


I think he's just Trumped again. He's gone on record as having said that in parts of radicalised London the police fear for their lives.


It's rich that an American criticises another culture for bringing death to our streets, because I cannot think of any more culture that has damaged London more than American gangster rap.


There are claims that they have a problem but I'm not in a position to know one way or the other.

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It does apear that way.


It seems that the political right in America's response to this very real problem is - we will not let the mass murder get in the way of our freedoms. It would be unconstitutional.


It's very telling that the political right in America's response to a fear that ISIS in infiltrating their society. We must restrict the rights of all Muslims, it seems that the constitution doesn't apply when Muslims are involved.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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It seems that the political right in America's response to this very real problem is - we will not let the mass murder get in the way of our freedoms. It would be unconstitutional.


It's very telling that the political right in America's response to a fear that ISIS in infiltrating their society. We must restrict the rights of all Muslims, it seems that the constitution doesn't apply when Muslims are involved.


The constitution only applies to Americans.

Did he say he wants to restrict the rights of Amercan Muslims or did he say he wants to stop Non Amercan muslims entering the country?

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Did he say he wants to restrict the rights of Amercan Muslims or did he say he wants to stop Non Amercan muslims entering the country?


Yep, he's talked about forcing American Muslims to register with the government and making them carry special identification cards.

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