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Care home costs to top £1,000 per week.

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The fault must lie in the original building cost arrangements / rents. Were they built using PFI or some other similar plan? The article hints at it. This basically gives the builders/banks carte blanche to raise the rents at will, with no cap. The money certainly isn't going into care and facilities, you could stay at a top hotel for less, and get a great deal more.


As for homes shutting, there are lots of people needing care, but if the costs are simply unaffordable, people will not come. Do people realise that this is not just a problem for the elderly, but also for their hard pressed friends and families who have to guarantee the costs and make up any shortfall. (In my own personal experience to the tune of £450 a month.) Even selling a house, the money doesn't last more than a couple of years.


My own plans are to sling a brick through the local jewellery shop window and get locked up. 3 meals a day, a warm bed to sleep in, and plenty of company. What's not to like? And jail is free...


Brilliant Anna...

I'm lobbying for Euthenasia... anything is better than being abused in a Care Home. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 17:44 ----------


Arent they businesses that can charge what they like and if you dont believe you get value for money then you send your parents elsewhere?


Of course you can if you don't mind putting your loved ones through all the trauma.

Clearly you have never been in this situation... I have!!! And I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I will NEVER EVER FORGIVE the Social Worker at the Northern General for preventing my daughter and me from looking after my dearest Mother... She and we had three years of purgatory, which seven years later we are still reeling from.


IMHO all Private Care Homes should be closed and taken over by the Local Authorities, where they should be meticulously monitored...


Better still... as I outlined above - make alternative arrangements and look after them yourself. After all - they looked after us for long enough!

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Have a read of the article I posted a couple of posts up, maybe care businesses are losing money. Even at £1000 a week it is worried that 50% of care places will go. The living age will only make things get worse


Ok JFK Thanks .Well I know what you are saying but I still think greed plays a big factor.

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Have a read of the article I posted a couple of posts up, maybe care businesses are losing money. Even at £1000 a week it is worried that 50% of care places will go. The living age will only make things get worse


You do realise the £1,000 figure Anna posted is just a prjection for how much it might cost in 20 years time?


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 18:11 ----------



Of course you can if you don't mind putting your loved ones through all the trauma.

Clearly you have never been in this situation... I have!!! And I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I will NEVER EVER FORGIVE the Social Worker at the Northern General for preventing my daughter and me from looking after my dearest Mother... She and we had three years of purgatory, which seven years later we are still reeling from.


IMHO all Private Care Homes should be closed and taken over by the Local Authorities, where they should be meticulously monitored...


Better still... as I outlined above - make alternative arrangements and look after them yourself. After all - they looked after us for long enough!



Not everyone has a bad experience though. Being in local authority management doesnt mean care will be good, what you wnat is greater regulation and accountability.

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You do realise the £1,000 figure Anna posted is just a prjection for how much it might cost in 20 years time?


Yes sorry, my bad but the point still stands. Rather than undue profiteering, the business is struggling to make money. So unless something is done about it, half of all current beds may well disappear.

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When business are losing millions, and having to borrow money to continue where's the greed?


I suspect it's the banks. They are the ones who hold the mortgages on these places and can (and do) charge whatever rents they like. This is then passed on to the residents.


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 18:19 ----------


And personal care. And completing forms. And checking on the resident. And complying with CQC or whatever they are called this week. And talking to relatives to make sure they are happy. And taking on excursions. And ongoing training of staff. And making a profit to make it all worth bothering with.


You're really struggling aren't you. If all the above is actually done, (it isn't,) it will be done by the minimum number of staff, all on minimum wage.... they aren't the ones taking the lion's share of the money.

Edited by Anna B
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I suspect it's the banks. They are the ones who hold the mortgages on these places and can (and do) charge whatever rents they like. This is then passed on to the residents.


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 18:19 ----------



You're really struggling aren't you. If all the above is actually done, (it isn't,) it will be done by the minimum number of staff, all on minimum wage.... they aren't the ones taking the lion's share of the money.


They have to all do it all. If they don't they won't get residents and they'll be put on the non-placement list by the council. Yes I believe the staff are extensively on minimum wage and those who run the place, take the risks, organise, employ people and give residential care providing this service make a profit (sometimes) doing so.

If it is so easy to make a killing, why don't you do it?


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 22:36 ----------


Sorry I took so long to reply, I've been working. Mostly trying to figure out the autoenrolement nightmare that's been thrust upon employers.


---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 22:41 ----------


A little light reading to get you started...






---------- Post added 09-12-2015 at 22:45 ----------


And when you've finished that, you could try to read and follow these regulations, whilst still trying to look after residents and talk to families and employ people and pay sick pay, maternity pay, oh and don't forget to sort out the autoenrolement pension for all your staff...



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When business are losing millions, and having to borrow money to continue where's the greed?


I have read the article but if £1000 per week is being quoted then the issue needs a serious review by the government because something is wrong if businesses can't make a go of it at that rate. I remember a few years ago when anyone was allowed to run a care home in their own home and when the government banned it a lot of people were heartbroken at having to move and then I noticed prices rocketing up, so perhaps it was the governments fault.

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I have read the article but if £1000 per week is being quoted then the issue needs a serious review by the government because something is wrong if businesses can't make a go of it at that rate. I remember a few years ago when anyone was allowed to run a care home in their own home and when the government banned it a lot of people were heartbroken at having to move and then I noticed prices rocketing up, so perhaps it was the governments fault.


That's how much it is likely to be in 2035. It's not the current figure.

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