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Tyson Fury .. Good or Bad Role Model ? Future Politician ?

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What has he said that's hateful? I cant find anything in the sensible media.


But it seems to be winding the reactionaries up a little. So I may just break the habit of a lifetime and vote in the SPOTY.


Okay Ron - winding up your political opponents is one thing, I get that; but the linking of paedophilia to homosexuality is ignorant as it is nasty.

In my opinion the filth that Tyson is espousing gives succour to what these sick ******** did:


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Probably becayse it looks weak if he has views and then cant debate or explain the logic in them. Is money his motivating factor?


The logic is the bible, I am amazed that you don't know this. His religion tells him that homosexuality is a sin. A large number of Abrahamists will agree with his views on homosexuality. Those who don't should probably consider reading their Bible or Qu'ran. The super wizard is quite clear on gays.

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Okay Ron - winding up your political opponents is one thing, I get that; but the linking of paedophilia to homosexuality is ignorant as it is nasty.

In my opinion the filth that Tyson is espousing gives succour to what these sick ******** did:



I cant see that he has done. He says they are both a sin, I think. I disagree with him. I have plenty of gay friends, lesbian friends and I have no issue with it AT ALL. But if he believes it's a sin, why should he not say it?

Not sure what it's got to do with the link? Unless he has proposed that all gays and lez's should be tortured to death or pushed off a building? If so I certainly won't be voting for him.

Likewise, if he's a proponent of paedophilia, he won't be up there with my favourite people.

Actually I'm not much into boxing, two men attacking each other, using violence to try to knock the other out is not my thing. But if they want to do it in a controlled environment, then that's up to them and the odd people that watch it. Good luck to them.

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The logic is the bible, I am amazed that you don't know this. His religion tells him that homosexuality is a sin. A large number of Abrahamists will agree with his views on homosexuality. Those who don't should probably consider reading their Bible or Qu'ran. The super wizard is quite clear on gays.


Just curious. Does the Bible or Quran have a view on paedophilia and abortion?

Edited by Eater Sundae
I originally got confused regarding what he had said
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The logic is the bible, I am amazed that you don't know this. His religion tells him that homosexuality is a sin. A large number of Abrahamists will agree with his views on homosexuality. Those who don't should probably consider reading their Bible or Qu'ran. The super wizard is quite clear on gays.


The thing is, I would have sympathy for this point of view if Fury was a pious person and he lived his life according to the rules of his Bible. So the thing that bugs me about his comments is that he picks and chooses what rules he follows, whilst criticising others that also ignore some of the rules of the Bible.

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The thing is, I would have sympathy for this point of view if Fury was a pious person and he lived his life according to the rules of his Bible. So the thing that bugs me about his comments is that he picks and chooses what rules he follows, whilst criticising others that also ignore some of the rules of the Bible.
His church practically endorsed paedophilia for God knows how long so its no wonder that he's confused.
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Tyson Fury is absolutely right. Now if only more Christians followed his exampled we'd all see Christianity for hate-fuelled bile ideology that it is. Keep going Tyson you are doing more damage to Christianity than I could have dreamed of by just quoting from the Bible. Best atheist PR guy EVER.

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Just curious. Does the Bible or Quran have a view on paedophilia and abortion?


Paedophilia in the bible is not really mentioned specifically. Exodus and Numbers both have passages that seem to indicate it is oke to take the women and female children from your enemies that have not lain with a man and have them for yourself. So it reads as a green light.


Muhammed had sex with kids, so it is ok in Islam too.



Abortion in the bible is again not specifically mentioned but would presumably be covered in the thought shalt not kill stuff. Also, I forget the book, but god prescribes death for a man who strikes a pregnant woman and causes death to the unborn child.


From what I remember abortion is not mentioned at all in the Qu'ran, so Muslims must look to the haddiths for inspiration. Muslims believe that a soul is born with the foetus at 4 months, so generally abortion is halal before then.

Edited by runningman1
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