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Tyson Fury .. Good or Bad Role Model ? Future Politician ?

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Paedophilia in the bible is not really mentioned specifically. Exodus and Numbers both have passages that seem to indicate it is oke to take the women and female children from your enemies that have not lain with a man and have them for yourself. So it reads as a green light.


Muhammed had sex with kids, so it is ok in Islam too.



Abortion in the bible is again not specifically mentioned but would presumably be covered in the thought shalt not kill stuff. Also, I forget the book, but god prescribes death for a man who strikes a pregnant woman and causes death to the unborn child.


From what I remember abortion is not mentioned at all in the Qu'ran, so Muslims must look to the haddiths for inspiration. Muslims believe that a soul is born with the foetus at 4 months, so generally abortion is halal before then.


To be fair to Mohammed during those times and even much later having sex with children was the norm, even in this country.

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To be fair to Mohammed during those times and even much later having sex with children was the norm, even in this country.


Whilst I wouldn't call it the norm, it was certainly socially acceptable yes, though most waited until a bit after muhammed waited, until the girl had started her period. 12 or 13 was more normal from my reading than 8/9.


There want an age of consent here until the late 1800's, over a millennium after muhammed lived l.

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Paedophilia in the bible is not really mentioned specifically. Exodus and Numbers both have passages that seem to indicate it is oke to take the women and female children from your enemies that have not lain with a man and have them for yourself. So it reads as a green light.


Muhammed had sex with kids, so it is ok in Islam too.



Abortion in the bible is again not specifically mentioned but would presumably be covered in the thought shalt not kill stuff. Also, I forget the book, but god prescribes death for a man who strikes a pregnant woman and causes death to the unborn child.


From what I remember abortion is not mentioned at all in the Qu'ran, so Muslims must look to the haddiths for inspiration. Muslims believe that a soul is born with the foetus at 4 months, so generally abortion is halal before then.


Thanks for taking the trouble to give such a full response.

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Fury is entitled to his opinion, however misguided it might. However, no one has mentioned his incredible achievement though, beating Klitschko (reigning HW champ for 10 years) with a unanimous points decision. If I remember correctly this is the first HW champion from the British Isles since Lennox Lewis

Congratulations to him for the win. He now needs to spend a little time with his PR manager before the return match

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Please explain what you think the word fascist means.




The thing is, if you are a Christian or a Muslim, you should believe that homosexuality is worse than paedophilia. The bible is ok with paedophilia and attacks homosexuality multiple times. The Qu'ran also clearly stipulates that homosexuality is wrong but muhammed had sex with very young children.


This man is a Catholic and expressed views that are very much supported in Catholic doctrine. This is one of many reasons why religion is dangerous.


I have always thought Fury was an idiot, but are those people who are criticising him against all religious expression or just expression you don't agree with.


Says who? This isn't religious expression, it's bigotry.

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