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Socialism fails again. This time in South America.

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I think you'll struggle to prosecute cancer for murder.

Probably what some people were counting on with Alexander Litvinenko.


To be fair though there were a fair few folk in Ecuador hoping Correa wasn't going to run his country the same way as his close friend did in Venezuela. Chavez was considered a bit of a nut job by more than a small portion of the Latin American population.

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There was a large amount of Polonium-210 found in Litvinenko's body and he died of radiation poisoning, not cancer.

All they found in Chavez's body was cancer.


Only a question of dosage. Lower the dose, result would have been cancer rather than outright radiation poisoning. Just for the record I'm pretty sure Chavez's cancer was a natural occurrence but to believe this kind of thing can't be induced on somebody artificially is a bit blinkered. The CIA were known to perform biological and chemical tests on their own civilians in the 20th century, do you really think they grew a conscience and threw all their research away?

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Only a question of dosage. Lower the dose, result would have been cancer rather than outright radiation poisoning. Just for the record I'm pretty sure Chavez's cancer was a natural occurrence but to believe this kind of thing can't be induced on somebody artificially is a bit blinkered. The CIA were known to perform biological and chemical tests on their own civilians in the 20th century, do you really think they grew a conscience and threw all their research away?


But it's such a silly way to try and kill somebody.

Radiation exposure increases the chance of cancer. It could kill you in a year, or 10 years, or never. It's not really an effective means of murdering somebody.

Probably have a better chance saying harsh things to him and hoping he gets depressed and takes his own life.

Edited by unbeliever
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But it's such a silly way to try and kill somebody.


Silly enough for people to disregard it as a method of assassination so isn't suspicious if it actually was the method.



Radiation exposure increases the chance of cancer.


In the normal circumstances of an accident. If it's not an accident who knows what can be engineered to within precision these days... enough to kill Litvinenko but not enough to seriously effect people he was in contact with? Quite impressive for 'give it a shot' polonium poisoning.


It could kill you in a year, or 10 years, or never. It's not really an effective means of murdering somebody.

Depends on the urgency of the target... a mole about to speak up about clandestine information would probably need something a bit more instant, a thorn in your side can take as long as needed just for them to be removed sometime.


This isn't really the point of the thread though and I've already stated in my opinion Chavez' illness was naturally occurring.


---------- Post added 10-12-2015 at 13:26 ----------


Okay, not a socialism issue but here's a bit more international meddling... allegedly....


Spying on Latin America

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In the normal circumstances of an accident. If it's not an accident who knows what can be engineered to within precision these days... enough to kill Litvinenko but not enough to seriously effect people he was in contact with? Quite impressive for 'give it a shot' polonium poisoning.


Under any circumstances. There is no precise way to use radiation to give somebody cancer. That's just not how it works.

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I think you'll struggle to prosecute cancer for murder.



Chavez went on Venezuelan national radio and said: “I don’t know but… it is very odd that we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was a candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina… It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some leaders in Latin America. It’s at the very least strange, very strange.”

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