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Socialism fails again. This time in South America.

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All that is supposition. Your confidence is unwarranted.


Its not supposition that the last five governments have run favourable tax regimes for the rich which has led to an influx of foreign money. I can't see it changing much.

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Its not supposition that the last five governments have run favourable tax regimes for the rich which has led to an influx of foreign money. I can't see it changing much.


The top rate of income tax until 1979 was 83% with an extra 15% if it came from "investment". That's 98% and only 36 years ago. The same rhetoric and ideology was in play in the Labour party of the '70s as is in play now.

You're not safe for such idiocy with Corbyn in charge.

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The top rate of income tax until 1979 was 83% with an extra 15% if it came from "investment". That's 98% and only 36 years ago. The same rhetoric and ideology was in play in the Labour party of the '70s as is in play now.

You're not safe for such idiocy with Corbyn in charge.


I think were pretty safe because he's never going to win


Seriously, get some perspective.

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I think were pretty safe because he's never going to win


Seriously, get some perspective.


That seems complacent to me.

What if there's a recession in 2019? A big increase in oil prices perhaps.

I'd feel much safer if the leader of her majesty's opposition wasn't a card carrying Trotskyist nutter.

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Too much socialism destroys the economy and makes everybody poor. The evidence for this is overwhelming.

I'm really not wanting to argue but I've asked for a brief look at the Netherlands twice in this thread. Majority of Dutch people seem to think they're under a socialist government since 2006 and though not the best source of information Wikipedia seems to agree. The Dutch economy seems to be doing pretty well or is this evidence just being ignored? Again, it's not an argument, I'm trying to understand it better myself.


The thread started with South America and whilst reading up on Latin American nations somebody had described Venezuela and others as a dictatorship thinly disguised as socialism. Having lived in the region for more than a decade I'd be errr'ing on agreement. Just looking at how things genuinely work in these countries definitely do not resemble real socialism so I'd say that the evidence you mentioned is largely based on what the media describes it as rather than reality. I've experienced this first hand being in a emergency situation that was explained very, very, very differently by a news company in this country.

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Argentina just sacked Peron. Venezuela just sacked Maduro. Their people have realised too late what everybody who's read and history and/or economics could have told them in advance. Socialism doesn't work.



More people voted for the left in Spain, its likely that a left leaning coalition Government will be formed.



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More people voted for the left in Spain, its likely that a left leaning coalition Government will be formed.





"Left" is an insanely vague political term which covers all manner of ideology. This is why I prefer to talk about socialism and capitalism.


If they make the state too big and too interventionist they'll make themselves poor. If the state starts goes in for nationalisation and heavy redistribution, they'll get very, very poor.

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"Left" is an insanely vague political term which covers all manner of ideology. This is why I prefer to talk about socialism and capitalism.


So because the Spanish election results go against your thread you change the subject.


Do you have anything to say about the fact that according to the socialist Telegraph the capitalist PP had a bad night?


"Despite garnering the most votes, the centre-right People's Party (PP) had its worst result ever in a general election as Spaniards angered by high-level corruption cases and soaring unemployment turned away from the party in droves."



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So because the Spanish election results go against your thread you change the subject.


Do you have anything to say about the fact that according to the socialist Telegraph the capitalist PP had a bad night?


"Despite garnering the most votes, the centre-right People's Party (PP) had its worst result ever in a general election as Spaniards angered by high-level corruption cases and soaring unemployment turned away from the party in droves."




This is an election result. Not the outcome of years of government. What do you want me to say? The Spanish will probably regret this decision.

Anyway, Spain is the the Euro. Their macro-economic policy is largely controlled by the EU. So it's unlikely to make a huge difference who they vote for in national elections.

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