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Lost Breweries of Sheffield

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Wasn't there 2 breweries located to either side of Bramall Lane, John St / Cherry St ?


Up until recently I am sure there was an old building on Cherry St (Lavers) which was the original brewery building, and I was led to believe the other was in the vicinity of John St /Countess Rd block near the Wardonia works


It was the Anchor Brewery on the corner of Bramall Lane/Cherry Street

It was knocked down some time in the early/mid 90's - I remember coming home at some unearthly hour from a night out and picking over the rubble which for some reason wasn't fenced off. I've still got the remains of a nice pressure gauge that I stumbled home with

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Back in the 70s, I worked at the company of WG Jenkinson Ltd, who's frontage was on Countess Rd. There were 3 large workshops, which covered a large section of the Bramall Lane /John St/ Countess Rd block of which I believe were converted from the Brewery site.


One open area contained several small outbuildings, with large stone shelves, and within 1 workshop, was a sunken floor and cellar area, which housed various tanks /pipes, and was converted for use as a Cerrobend tank (pipe bending alloy), and a very deep water filled hole in the ground (which could have been a well), to which the Cerrobend filled pipes were lowered for cooling.


Much of the sunken area was covered over with heavy metal plates, so never got the chance to fully explore.


It is fascinating to think that some of that plant and structure might still be there under the concrete of what is there now.

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The Mulberry Tavern (the old one) was a Richdales house. The last landlord of the old Mulberry was Mick Nolan who is still around, he took the license from his father Bill.


Bill told the story of running out of beer one Xmas and Mr Richdale brewing especially for him then delivering by horse drawn dray this was in the fifties i believe.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi All,

Thanks for adding me to the forum.

I'm a brewer and brewing historian writing and researching a book on old beers and brewing with lots of lovely homebrew recipies from old Yorkshire breweries!!.

I've got a fair few Ward's and Tennant Bros beers for the book, but I'd like to include some other Sheffield and area brews!!.

I've been to the archives, but they only have Tennant and Ward's brewing records ;if any members know of any old brewing records and brewers notebooks in private collections, would it be possible to get a look at them/take photos?.

I'd be happy to send any home brewers recipies,

Please feel free to contact me if you can help, all or if you would like any recipies, or even to chat about old beers and brewing!!

Cheers All,

Best Regards


Edd the Brew

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  • 3 years later...
On 10/12/2015 at 11:10, fatrajah said:

Hi hillsbro, thanks for posting the photo. I'm trying to remember what the building on the opposite corner was. I remember it as just being a high wall with some kind of business behind it. I think the former Richdales buildings stood for quite some time after 1959.

Quite an old thread now but just found this when searching for something else. The Richdales building stood right up to the point where it was demolished to place the BP garage there. My father owned the building as part of his business and went through to the back in John Street - SANDAS Mower services (was in the showroom on the left, SANDAS batteries on the right and the back (which went through to John Street) was Garfitts (now on Holbrook Industrial Estate at Halfway). 

At the time the space for the brewery vats was all still there and covered over - not sure what BP did with them when the property was sold to them. 

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