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I wonder if anyone can help me .... I may have a position coming up for someone for graphic design. It's a new business and part of our values are to trying where we can to be socially responsible.


The graphic design roll subject, to someone having the necessary graphic skills would be perfect for someone with a disability. My question is this, can I proactively advertise a job for someone who is disabled and excluded able bodied people from the roll?





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I suspect not but why not say "Applications from those with a disability would be made most welcome" or words to that affect?


Although I admire your altruism, my advice would be choose the person with the right skills and attitude and be blind to anything else (excuse the non deliberate pun!). Good luck with the job hunt.

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Thanks Steve....


I agree the person has to be right for the job but I would dearly like it to be someone that needs a helping hand.


Thinking about it I might be better speaking with the disability org's who would have a better legal idea on it


Thanks for taking the time to respond Steve

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First Time Poster


I wonder if anyone can help me .... I may have a position coming up for someone for graphic design. It's a new business and part of our values are to trying where we can to be socially responsible.


The graphic design roll subject, to someone having the necessary graphic skills would be perfect for someone with a disability. My question is this, can I proactively advertise a job for someone who is disabled and excluded able bodied people from the roll?







This seems like a good suggestion-


.....why not say "Applications from those with a disability would be made most welcome" or words to that affect?....


as there are a lot of disabled people who know that there is great prejudice towards them amongst employers, and I feel they would be encouraged to apply for a position with you, if you do go to lengths to make it clear that you welcome applications from disabled people.


For the future, there is a scheme which employers can sign up to, which gives them a kitemark symbolising the fact that they guarantee an interview to disabled applicants who met the jobs minimum requirements-




I can say from personal experience, that, as a disabled person looking for work, it's much easier tackling filling in an application form, when you know that you'll be guaranteed an interview when you send it off.

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No you can't exclude able-bodied people from applying.


Then things have changed. Not that long ago (or maybe it is!) North east Derbyshire district council only advertised jobs where applications could be from disabled people. Now this wasn't registered disabled people - I think Bizzarly diabetics could slip under the bar - but whatever they deemed disabled.


Current blurb from the government anyway https://www.gov.uk/recruitment-disabled-people/encouraging-applications

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Then things have changed. Not that long ago (or maybe it is!) North east Derbyshire district council only advertised jobs where applications could be from disabled people. Now this wasn't registered disabled people - I think Bizzarly diabetics could slip under the bar - but whatever they deemed disabled.


Current blurb from the government anyway https://www.gov.uk/recruitment-disabled-people/encouraging-applications


Yes, you can encourage applications from disabled people and give them a guaranteed interview if they meet the criteria, but you still cannot state that you will only employ a disabled person, thus excluding able-bodied candidates.

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