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Do people like to be 'outraged'?

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While some people may be outraged at people like Trump and Fury making widely offensive comments, that doesn't strike me as evidence that they 'like' being outraged.


The people who seem to love being outraged will usually be outraged by the initial headline/claim/statement without looking any further into it, often just ignoring any evidence that shows there's no need to be outraged.


Example, a guy I worked with for years was outraged last year (possibly the year before) when he read a centre spread headline about one of Britain's largest families all living under one roof. He lost half his mouth contents (sandwich) when he saw the photo

of the large family stood/sat together, all smiles.

"Bloody scroungers" he cried, "We have to pay for this lot of lazy ******** !!!".


While he kept ranting I skimmed further through the story to see that, in fact, most of the family (who were of age) worked and there were no 'lazy' benefits or scrounging involved. After pointing this out to him he replied (only ever so slightly calmer) "not the point, is it, they shouldn't be allowed a family that size".


Another example is a post going round facebook at the minute, reading:


"WHAT A CROCK... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE.. I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions If you agree with this...please post this as your status!! IT'S MY FREEDOM TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this?.."


...which seems to have people plenty outraged that we can't say Merry Christmas any more.

I hate to be the bearer of rationality but I really don't think there's any law or even advice/request/instruction to stop saying Merry Christmas or call your tree a Christmas Tree. It's just outrage-lovers perpetuating their own outrage.

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While some people may be outraged at people like Trump and Fury making widely offensive comments, that doesn't strike me as evidence that they 'like' being outraged.


The people who seem to love being outraged will usually be outraged by the initial headline/claim/statement without looking any further into it, often just ignoring any evidence that shows there's no need to be outraged.


Example, a guy I worked with for years was outraged last year (possibly the year before) when he read a centre spread headline about one of Britain's largest families all living under one roof. He lost half his mouth contents (sandwich) when he saw the photo

of the large family stood/sat together, all smiles.

"Bloody scroungers" he cried, "We have to pay for this lot of lazy ******** !!!".


While he kept ranting I skimmed further through the story to see that, in fact, most of the family (who were of age) worked and there were no 'lazy' benefits or scrounging involved. After pointing this out to him he replied (only ever so slightly calmer) "not the point, is it, they shouldn't be allowed a family that size".


Another example is a post going round facebook at the minute, reading:


"WHAT A CROCK... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE.. I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions If you agree with this...please post this as your status!! IT'S MY FREEDOM TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this?.."


...which seems to have people plenty outraged that we can't say Merry Christmas any more.

I hate to be the bearer of rationality but I really don't think there's any law or even advice/request/instruction to stop saying Merry Christmas or call your tree a Christmas Tree. It's just outrage-lovers perpetuating their own outrage.



Good point RB.


About 15 years ago, The Daily Mail was outraged that Birmingham City Council had renamed Christmas to 'Winterval', for some politically correct reason, and that Christmas was 'offensive' to non Christians.


In fact for 2 years, all Birmingham City Council had simply done was encourage people to visit the rejuvenated city centre, over Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, Diwali and to coincide with the BBCs Children in Need.


But the Daily Mail wasn't having any of it. Not initially anyway. The furore, and gob frothing stirred up amongst the public was music to the ears of the Daily Mail.


It wasn't until 14 years later that the Daily Mail slipped acknowledged that:


Winterval was the collective name for a season of public events, both religious and secular, which took place in Birmingham in 1997 and 1998. We are happy to make clear that Winterval did not rename or replace Christmas.

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Boxing is an art which requires much discipline in order to become a World champion . Comparing a boxer to a thug could be judged to be horrible and offensive by some people .


An art? Since when has boxing become an art form in the literal sense?


Comparing boxing to thuggery (both violent) would be infinitely easier than comparing homosexuality with paedophilia, yet you seem outraged at one while promoting and endorsing another...maybe in the past you were one of those thugs that went 'puff hunting'?

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Those horrendous criminal acts have got nothing at all to do with Tyson Fury , just as the San Bernardino shootings near an abortion clinic have nothing to do with him .


Try to use your own common sense and remove that chip from your shoulder .


Not directly, but speech like his promotes hatred and hatred leads to violence.

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As someone who is gay, I get no pleasure in being portrayed as someone on a par with a paedophile. Especially by a thug who knocks people about for a living. It's horrible & offensive.

If I sound outraged, it's because I am. Not because it's about 'winning' a stupid argument on a Sheffield Forum thread, or proving the point of the OP.


Whilst I'm not gay, two of my very close friends are and was involved, in a fairly junior way, in organising Sheffield pride a few years back. So I have a small amount t of understanding of your position.


However, rightly or wrongly, we live in a country that allows freedom of religious expression. You can't be an adherent of the Abrahamic faiths without being what I would consider to be homophobic. God clearly calls it an abomination. He says no such thing about paedophilia.


With regards to his comments on the law, 70 years ago I would have been considered a loon if I said that I thought homosexuality would be legalised. Alan Turing, a war hero almost without compare was put in prison for the crime of being homosexual. In fact, I would think that public opinion was probably more against homosexuality than paedophilia. Homosexuality has been illegal for a greater amount of British history than sex with children has (strictly speaking paedophilia is legal, it is only when you act on those desires does it became illegal).


There have been pressure groups in parliament that have actively sought to remove age of consent laws, though not for some time.

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An art? Since when has boxing become an art form in the literal sense?


Comparing boxing to thuggery (both violent) would be infinitely easier than comparing homosexuality with paedophilia, yet you seem outraged at one while promoting and endorsing another...maybe in the past you were one of those thugs that went 'puff hunting'?


I think the technical term is 'Queer Bashing' , there is no maybe about it , I am not a thug or have ever gone around 'puff hunting' which you seem to know more about than boxing .


I was not outraged by anything, only pointing out Mister M's own intolerance and ignorance .


---------- Post added 11-12-2015 at 18:43 ----------


Not directly, but speech like his promotes hatred and hatred leads to violence.


You mean not at all .


The only hatred I have observed has been directed towards Tyson Fury .

Edited by Gamston
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The only hatred I have observed has been directed towards Tyson Fury .


How would you characterise his comments that a 'woman's best place is in the kitchen or on her back' and suggesting that homosexuality is as eveil as paedophilia?

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