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Rotherham's three Labour MPs to sue UKIP MEP for slander

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Whose funding the legal bill ?


Sarah Champion seemed to be a good MP on the television program about the Houses of Parliament last year .


They have been attacked as a result of their public position.


It would seem correct that the public purse was used to defend them.


A better question is, who will fund the defence?

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It's her speech at the UKIP conference that's caused the Rotherham MP's to get upset, where she said that they must have known what was going on in Rotherham with sexual abuse because of the multiple reports outlining the abuse.


“It [the report] also explained that the Labour run council and its officials have actually been given three separate reports on this over a period of time but in 2005 had been sat down and given graphic details of what this abuse had actually been about…and still there was no real positive action.


“The report reiterated throughout that warning after warning was ignored and much of this was due to political cowardice and worried about keeping their vote.


“There are many others who still have questions to answer, and possibly charges to face. This includes the three Labour MPs for the Rotherham area. I am convinced that they knew many of the details of what was happening. I am now calling for criminal charges to be brought against those who it can be proved knew about the abuse, how failed to act – because in failing to act they aided and abetted the perpetrators and they are just as guilty.”

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