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Lets stop calling ISIS, Taliban and Al-Qaida, Muslims.

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Taken from a previous post.


" with a growing Muslim population there are benifits in learning about Islam and how it will one day affect the lives of the Christains and athiests living here. "


Here is a genuine question or two.


What are the benefits of learning about Islam?.


How will Islam affect my life one day?.




If you are a Kuffar, never forget the phrase 'Know your Enemy'

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Mafya, I always thought that a kaffir is someone who has rejected the Qu'ran, or the Islamic message. More specifically someone who has been exposed to it and said "no thanks, not for me", so an apostate.

Someone who has not received the message, ie someone ignorant of Islam is instead an infidel. Is this not the case?

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Mafya, I always thought that a kaffir is someone who has rejected the Qu'ran, or the Islamic message. More specifically someone who has been exposed to it and said "no thanks, not for me", so an apostate.

Someone who has not received the message, ie someone ignorant of Islam is instead an infidel. Is this not the case?


Afaik it can refer to both or anyone who is a disbeliever.....

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Apparently the use in South Africa is from the original meaning.


"The word is derived from the Arabic term kafir (meaning 'disbeliever'), which originally had the meaning 'one without religion'. Portuguese explorers adopted the term to refer to black non-Muslim peoples when they became involved in the Arab slave trade along the Swahili Coast. Later, other European traders also adopted its use."

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